Reviews for Things We Do For Love
Guest chapter 20 . 2/16/2024
Pretty loose vow on her magic. “Betray” can be taken a lot of ways. Take someone else’s side in a n agreement, even joking… could be a betrayal. Accidentally let a minor secret out to another friend… did she betray his trust? Inevitably, there will be countless, minor and otherwise meaningless “betrayals” in her life time.

She’d be a squib by the end of summer.

Vows are copout story tropes that tend to not have the impact they should… because they’d ruin a story if they did.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/16/2024
“If she slept with someone else” Hermione would understand Harry breaking up with Daphne, but since she just tried to have him killed… she doesn’t?

Lol. Focus on making Daphne actually act redeemable and not toxic, instead of having her remand terrible, while everyone pretends she’s somehow good for Harry.
Guest chapter 19 . 2/16/2024
Not sure why every friend and adult in this story hates Harry so much.

They say he’s “never been happier” than with Daphne. You skipped that chapter for sure. She went from yelling at him and running off mad on a weekly basis to deciding to being forced to turn him over to Voldemort. There was nothing between those two things except for her being sad and focused on what happened to her family. There was no sweat love shared between Harry and Daphne.

Based on what was actually written, she really is the worst in the this story, though, based on how other characters talk about her, it’s clear that wasn’t meant to be the case.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/16/2024
It’s weird that The story clearly wants the reader to feel like Daphne is the sad heroine, but she’s still somehow only written as awful and deeply toxic.
Guest chapter 17 . 2/16/2024
I finally figured out what’s been bothering me the last couple of chapters.

You skipped Daphne ever becoming someone good for Harry. Shes expressed zero redeemable or attractive characteristics beyond her physical looks. Shes treated him terribly, she’s deeply toxic to him, starting fights, etc. We have the “explanation” for why she’s terrible, but she never stopped being terrible long enough for Harry to have a real connection to her other than her phyiscal appearance.

So now that she’s betrayed him, it’s not his affectionate girlfriend, loved one, or any other emotional attachment… it’s just the hot girl that yells at him, turns out to be even worse.

She had to show some good qualities to Harry before the betray can have impact beyond, “whoops, picked the wrong hot chick to take a walk with.”
Guest chapter 15 . 2/16/2024
Well, this turned a corner quickly. A little too abruptly, honestly, as it was all mild for over a dozen chapters until it suddenly wasn’t.

Where are the swarm of aurors? If somehow kept from them (why and how?), a pure blood raped, near royalty status girl based on your story’s depiction of the Greengrass’s importance, where is Snape tearing through the minds of… what, at max maybe 10-15 or so boys in his house to figure out who did it? We know he has no problem looking into the minds of students, and you’ve introduced the practice in the story with his training Harry.

Development to get the story where you want it, is fine, but when it has to skip over multiple alternative paths that make more sense, there needs to be some re-working.
Nimbus2023 chapter 33 . 2/14/2024
It seems like you threw Snape into the fight for the sole purpose of dragging things out.
Nimbus2023 chapter 32 . 2/14/2024
Yeah the cliff hanger was a dick move.
Nimbus2023 chapter 32 . 2/14/2024
Harry spent most of the battle knocked on his ass.
Nimbus2023 chapter 30 . 2/14/2024
Draco's aunt is dead... well unless you meant Andromeda which I highly doubt.
Nimbus2023 chapter 29 . 2/14/2024
I think Jeff Foxworthy said it best when he said that grown men shop for lingerie the same way little kids would shop for cereal. They buy something they care nothing about just to get to the prize that's inside.
Nimbus2023 chapter 28 . 2/13/2024
The scene with Cho was drama for the sake of drama but I believe Edgecombe is one of the nine death eaters.
Nimbus2023 chapter 27 . 2/13/2024
At this time the wig and diadem wouldn't be on the bust. Harry placed those items there when he hid the Half-Blood Prince's potion book so that he'd be able to find it again. I believe the diadem was originally hidden in one of the drawers of the cabinet he hid the potions book in.
Nimbus2023 chapter 26 . 2/13/2024
If Daphne had any sense at all she would have snapped Draco's wand instead of turning her back on him and walking away, just sayin'.
Nimbus2023 chapter 24 . 2/13/2024
Ironically as much as I despise Daphne's character I still think that she did more to get them out of the ministry than Harry did. She was the one using appropriate spells while Harry was using stunners and the like. She also killed Bellatrix and was urging Harry onward. Harry may be fast but he doesn't have that kill-or-be-killed mentality making him a bit of a weenie in life-or-death situations.
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