Reviews for A Riddled Universe
Guest chapter 20 . 11/5/2024
Is this squib merope gaunt in disguise ? Did she lise her magic when giving birth to tom, and so wants revenge on him ?
REDHAIREDGIRL chapter 41 . 10/24/2024
I binged this whole thing in 2 days. I just couldn't put it down! This fanfiction is going in my top 10 favorites of all time. 100 out of 10 would read again and again and again.
Lord Voldemort chapter 20 . 10/7/2024
So Bellatrix. She is literally the only important female death eater.
Lord Voldemort chapter 18 . 10/7/2024
So, muggle poison. That was easy
Dobby-chan5 chapter 41 . 7/21/2024
So good. Loved it
Terri Geer chapter 1 . 6/23/2024
I know that it's been a very long time since you posted this, but I just had to say that I absolutely love this story. Part of me is sad that Harry took the portal back. I, also, hope that he takes it back to the Riddle Universe, with or without Ginny.
Laukee chapter 20 . 6/3/2024
OMG ! Is the squib woman Mélanie (Riddle's wife) ? Or is she Myrtle ? Damn
hunterxt987 chapter 41 . 5/27/2024
this the one of the great story i ever read i am thankful that read this story
Tracy Bair chapter 41 . 5/13/2024
this is the first tale I ever read about a good tom riddle many years ago.

I really enjoyed it and it was great to revisit it once again
Dark.Entries chapter 41 . 2/5/2024
This was amazing! I finished your story in one sitting!
Stormy chapter 41 . 1/29/2024
Enchanting story! Loved the take on good riddle!
Guest chapter 41 . 12/20/2023
I love
Auralia Dawn chapter 19 . 8/2/2023
Just so you are aware, Harry is not American and therefore would not call his Mum 'Mom'. People who write Harry Potter and can't get something so simple correct are annoying. It is lazy writing.
DoraLupinTonks chapter 1 . 5/6/2023
wow...this is awesome!
Igniferroque chapter 11 . 4/27/2023
You write a sarcastic Riddle well. Makes him believable.

You are also doing a good job of filling out a new world.
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