Reviews for Enveloped in the Darkness
Sayu Koishimoto chapter 7 . 1/15/2013
lol love your fic! I read it all in one go! really good and amazing! Hope you can continue writing! And if is of your concern: I vote for DracoHarry or VoldemortHarry as pairings! c:
Guest chapter 7 . 1/15/2013
AllieOfGreenGables chapter 7 . 1/15/2013
This is really interesting! I hope you update again soon!
Vahinepapaya chapter 7 . 1/15/2013
The passage about Quirrell at the end of the chapter was quite interesting, depicting him as another Voldemort's victim (even if it's his own fault). And the most awaited meeting with Snape ! Quite "tame" but very logical with the circumstances. I hope Severus will soon realize how Harry is not his father but his own person. For someone supposedly cunning, he's quite blind. Thank you for this chapter !
GreenGrizzly chapter 7 . 1/15/2013
You got your own life, I get that. And while I would love to be reading a new chapter every day, it’s not going to happen. Hell, if it takes you six months between chapters, at least you’re updating. The big thing for me is being assured you won’t abandon the fic and letting readers know ‘hey, it’ll be a while but I’ll get to it’. Harry in this chapter?... eh. I don’t know, he felt a bit off compared to previous ones but then again, he’s a kid, in a new place, surrounded by ‘his people’ and all so I guess he can be a little different than what I’ve seen so far. The Quirrel/Voldemort thing at the end? Great. Rarely, if ever, do I see the guy fighting against the spirit. Voldemort seems much more sane and I always wondered what he did for a decade wondering around with nothing else to do but ponder.
Vahinepapaya chapter 6 . 1/8/2013
A very interesting story!
amg.supernatural chapter 6 . 1/6/2013
love it
Hawkin chapter 6 . 12/30/2012
Nice story so far. There was some strange characterization during the train scene with Neville and Hermione which could be polished a bit I think. Still, I'll be looking for the next chapter.

As for other stories that might interest you:

Prince of the Dark Kingdom by Mizumi-sama
On the Way to Greatness by mira mirth
Alexandra Potter by Taure (forget it's a fem!Harry - Taure's world building is seriously amazing)
In Essence Divided by Taure

Hope it gives you something to read!
vlbuehle chapter 6 . 12/27/2012
Very interesting take, I look forward to more. As for recs : for gen, I suggest Lady Khali's The Well Groomed Mind. If slash doesn't bother you, I cannot recommend Lightening on the Waves' Sacrifices arc highly enough; it's probably the best world-building story I've ever read.
WyrdSmith chapter 6 . 12/26/2012
Very much worth reading.
yuiop chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Kairan1979 chapter 6 . 12/25/2012
Thanks for the update.
I don't know who was more annoying for Harry - Hermione or Pansy.
Something tells me his advice to Neville will fall on deaf ears.
Guest chapter 6 . 12/25/2012
Lovely story! I absolutely adore what you've done with the plot.
Also, since you asked for suggestions on what to read, there are a couple of good stories you might like, considering your tastes and your writing.
1. Twist of Fate - Firephoenix8
2. All HP stories by an author named "Athey"
3. Prince of the Dark Kingdom - Mizuni-sama

Well, since the stories and authors I told you of are extremely popular, you might have read them all already. If you have read them, and if you're looking for something rare, try reading something like "The Ultimate Betrayal by SecretAnimosity, or try checking something out from my favorite list.
Our tastes are similar (I can tell by the story you're writing)

Also, I have a question. Is the pairing going to be Voldemort/Harry? Is it going to be slash?

,May your quill never run dry of ink,

earlyable chapter 6 . 12/23/2012
Fantastic story so far. If you're set on becoming a journalist don't worry, your writing style is amazing. I really hope you update soon.
Cherrie-san chapter 6 . 12/23/2012
Oh come on please! He is so Slytherin he has scales.

To put him else where would be a tragedy, though I suppose Ravenclaw would work as well. The Gryffs would just drive him to homicidal tendencies.
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