Reviews for Enveloped in the Darkness |
GreenGrizzly chapter 1 . 11/15/2012 Thank you! I just finished reading another fic where, like canon, there is no mention of how messed up Harry is as a child. Even though you have him living at an orphanage and there’s a greater chance of psychological issues with the Dursleys, you have some depth for Harry not being a Dumbledore lacky with the way you’ve taken this. As much as I hate how authors always portray Harry as tiny, scrawny, short, etc, I’m willing to forgive due to him being young. I don’t get how him being malnourished was never addressed by the school nurse but whatever. I did enjoy the fact that Harry had or was starting to have more control over his magic. While you may have Harry eventually hate Muggleborns (I don’t really know now do I) please make it logical. Far too many stories proclaim to be a dark Harry fic and all they really have is bad writing, short chapters, and no basis for why Harry is different than in canon. Now, fair warning, I like your story, I do, but I have a strict no slash policy so if that’s how you end up going, I’m 90% certain I’m out, 100% if things get graphic, it’s just the way I go, other people (shrugs) to each their own. We’ll have to see I guess. Now, are we looking at Horcruxes because I’d prefer at the minimum for Harry not to be one as with what your summary tells, Harry’s joining Voldemort, so it’s kind of a moot point. If you don’t please give a plausible reason for Riddle surviving other than the dark mark linking life force crap. It’s magic, there has to be hundreds of ways to survive something like the Killing Curse right? The chapter, a little short but it was an opener but I’ll keep an eye out for future updates. Cheers! |
poppet15 chapter 1 . 11/15/2012 A different start to the orphanage!Harry, you don't usually see him interacting with prospective parents. Looking forward to more. |
DTDY chapter 1 . 11/15/2012 poor harry |