Reviews for The Fox's Net
Ishkabod chapter 24 . 9/1/2023
Woooowwwm. Love this! It SCREEEMS sequel! Thank you sooooo much for writing and sharing this! Captain Ozone is a Star Writer and I've been a fan since the Danny Phantom days. Your work is at that lvl. Awsomsause!
Fenchurch1 chapter 24 . 1/25/2022
Brilliant storyscary and compelling! Thank you!
Guest chapter 4 . 4/26/2021
Good story, but I'm wondering why you decided to name the antagonist an older version of Merlin? It's kinda throwing me off. I was like, "Merlin's tomb has been opened? the future...?"
endmoraine chapter 11 . 5/12/2020
Wow! I love that you had a prophecy of your own within the arc of the Merlin saga and I always love foreshadowing. It's great to see it come full circle back and tie up a plot line to propel the story forward. The reference to Merlin sleeping forever makes me think of Stargate: SG1 in season 9 where Merlin story arc is added (as the writers show that Earth god's /myth/legendary people are actually advanced civilization s with higher technology/enlightenment). I am enjoying this adventure thus far! Tally-ho!
broken5pieces chapter 6 . 5/7/2020
Ack this is scary
broken5pieces chapter 5 . 5/6/2020
Uh. For your A/N in d beginning... I fear that d show hasn't made u happier or meet your expectations haha
PurpleEmrald chapter 10 . 4/13/2020
The translation of 8 is hilarious
PurpleEmrald chapter 10 . 4/13/2020
you can't forcefully out him dangit
PurpleEmrald chapter 7 . 4/13/2020
the frickity frackity what?
PurpleEmrald chapter 5 . 4/13/2020
please,please I know this book is complete and I love it already, please don't kill off Dayla, I really hope you don't
PurpleEmrald chapter 3 . 4/13/2020
I thought the refrence was a Harry Potter one, dang
Guest chapter 7 . 10/5/2019
Erm... shouldn't he be arrested for lying for years...? Cause there are bloody druids that are being accepted into the castle... so he suddenly has a problem with Merlin's magic? Whaaat? Sorry can't read anymore- there's no logic in this.
broken5pieces chapter 3 . 10/5/2019
I'm a bit skeptical that Gwen and Merlin would have such a conversation after a year she's queen. Like he should know that her maidservant is probably like George and should know not to bow to Gwen but only to tease her and he and Arthur should know what she likes to do in her free time. Come on it's been a year. You like can't convince me this is a conversation they would have in the morning- it's only for the reader's benefit. Hope I made sense in what I was trying to say
ShawnSpenceStarr chapter 24 . 7/22/2019
Loved this story! And I loved how it ended. You made there be a story after the story, rather then fitting the bad guy, winning and the end. There was more to tell and I loved it!
kettlecorn chapter 12 . 7/7/2019
The sword shaking scene was also funny and this deal with Merlin and the sword is reminding me a lot of the cursed/talking book in Ella Enchanted.
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