Reviews for The Next Lord of Kobol
PewterQuill chapter 21 . 7/14
This story has a cool premise and the writing style is very good. Here is my (hopefully) constructive feedback for the author: the overall pacing of the story is much, much too slow. Harry doesn't reach the BSG universe until chapter six. The author calls this an "extended prologue", but I would respectfully suggest that any six-chapter prologue is at least five chapters too long. The events that take place on Earth don't matter to the main plot, so the story probably should have started with Harry and Bellatrix tumbling through the archway, with the essential backstory element ( that Voldemort is dead) covered by a brief dialog between them while they fight. After the six-chapter prologue, the next fifteen chapters cover only two years of time... but it's a two-year period that begins ten years before the Cylon attack on the Colonies! At this rate, the story will have 80 chapters and 400k words before the main action of BSG even begins, plus more chapters before Harry reaches Athena's Tomb and fulfills his new prophecy. Further, the pace so far is narratively slow: it's "slice of life" with Harry gradually learning the Colonial language, playing videogames, getting a low-end job at a junkyard, and other routine "ramping up" that could have been covered much faster.
pincho chapter 21 . 7/11
Whelp, while interesting for an abandoned story it is not good enough to recommend reading unless you are looking for story ideas. For example this is the first slice of life battlestar galactica and Harry potter crossover
Andromedanaea chapter 21 . 5/14
You have posted a few more chapters since I last read this. But still haven't gotten to the Fall of the Colonies or the show.
Hello chapter 21 . 3/28
I don't know if you are active, or will ever read this. Still this is a nice story. I would enjoy reading more about Harry building the resources needed to make his ship, just in time to flee the colonies with everyone else. I have enjoyed re-reading it.

Hope you are well, Thank you for writing it.
timbeau chapter 1 . 3/25
I have judy found your writings, this story is really quite unique. I hope when real life allows you will find time yo continue it, ive followed it so I’ll know when you do.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/28
I hope you continue this some day, so far it is quite good.
Vaughn-0 chapter 21 . 1/16
Just found this and love the direction it is going in! i hope this finds you well and that you continue to write!
Guest chapter 7 . 9/30/2023
What the fuck is the shit?
Guest chapter 21 . 7/8/2023
looking foward to reading more
omh666 chapter 19 . 5/31/2023
I've always wondered about that as well. In some stories it makes perfect sense why people would believe magic is real. In a Harry Potter / Starwars crossover, they already know about jedi, so what does it matter that there's people claiming to be wizards? Most people probably couldn't tell you the difference between the two. In this sort of story though, and in say, a Fast and Furious crossover with Harry Potter, it doesn't make any sense for people to be that accepting.
omh666 chapter 18 . 5/31/2023
I admit, I likely didn't help much in the way of "making your writing better", given most of your fics I've come to the party late. However, I can't stop pointing out the things I enjoy in your writing style, even when you're playing with your style and trying new things. In any case, I do enjoy every piece I've read and truly hope you one day get the chance to finish off your story lines here.
omh666 chapter 17 . 5/31/2023
Very nice. Having a double edged sword concept is always interesting. This again, is one of those things that a lot of authors don't handle well, and fanfic authors pretty much never even touch on.
omh666 chapter 16 . 5/31/2023
I'm not sure you actually finished this fic, but if it isn't already, here's hoping reviews will manage to convince you to come back and complete the open ends of your various stories.
omh666 chapter 15 . 5/30/2023
Aah, right. I forgot he comes across a spirit and starts to learn from her. Nice.
omh666 chapter 14 . 5/30/2023
This chapter has always been one of my faves in this story. The game is a really cool concept and the fact Harry manages to pull off that win the way he does makes it all the more interesting.
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