Reviews for Blue 4
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15/2024
You should keep making John Kelly
Tomahawk5763 chapter 9 . 8/15/2023
John is the defacto leader of all the Spartans it don matter what rank they are it was talked about in the movie they made about reach
GinnyWeasleyHypno chapter 16 . 5/14/2022
What a great story :D
GinnyWeasleyHypno chapter 8 . 5/14/2022
I really like how this story is pretty much Kelly's POV of the events of Halo 4. It would have been really cool if they were there in the game
AvidGamer chapter 4 . 6/29/2021
You're interactions of blue team aren't believable in the slightest...
MojoBlack chapter 16 . 1/6/2021
This story was very enjoyable and most of all realistic. Human relationships are the primary goal after all and thanks for showing Kelly the proper respect in this. Once again good work
MojoBlack chapter 14 . 1/6/2021
I forgot all about John getting hit with the composer. Damm good thinking on your part on keeping Kelly back. She would of died for nothing
MojoBlack chapter 11 . 1/6/2021
Reading this makes me remember how badass it was for chief to defy that order. Its a shame that Halo 5 was so terrible
MojoBlack chapter 7 . 1/5/2021
I liked this chapter. The true depth of John and Kelly's relationship really showed itself here
Heaven34 chapter 16 . 10/1/2020
Why is she so heartless, she can’t even admit that Cortana was there for John during the events in the games and that she saved him. Maybe she thinks if Sapphire as a pet, to John Cortana is a friend just like how Miranda, Johnson, and maybe Keyes was. She gets mad at someone else for calling John delusional, but she says the same. Saying he hallucinating, she said the same with Didacts voice and was proven wrong twice with evidence of the Librarian helping John. Like I don’t understand why she would disapprove their bond.
Wolf of the Seas chapter 16 . 3/24/2015
This whole retelling of Halo 4 is amazing! For someone who has always been a John/Kelly supporter since I read the Nylund novels, this is perfection! How Halo 4 should have been!
tamagat chapter 16 . 3/3/2015
you just made me cry!
tamagat chapter 7 . 3/2/2015
this absolutely beautiful
Guest chapter 9 . 2/14/2015
u do know that master chief of the navy is higher than cammander right?
alphaminkus chapter 16 . 1/13/2015
It would be awesome if you did a story about the in between of Halo 4 and 5 like Kelly and the chief get married or something.
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