Reviews for With a Forked Tongue I Lie in Wait (Taming Snakes)
panictree chapter 24 . 11/22
10 years and this is still one of the best things written for the harry potter fandom i think i've ever read. low probability of update, but if you see this i want you to know how much i appreciate the work you did. i hope you're out there and doing well!
Guest chapter 24 . 11/21
Loved this.
MadamBibliophile10 chapter 24 . 10/22
This is absolute, pure, fucking gold!
Please, please, please finish this!
Nightcrawler X chapter 24 . 9/20
This was pretty good at the beginning, but devolved into a total garbage after Hogwarts started. No wonder you've abandoned this fic.
ianramos22 chapter 24 . 9/11
Such a good story shame it stopped.
Guest chapter 4 . 6/1
she must be hard up for a man when she bed a ponce queer fucker ah lucy lol
nomeothinks chapter 24 . 5/23
fantastic characters. love the relationships developing. your use of speech to add to the action is spot on . looking forward to the next installment.
Mando-Vet chapter 24 . 4/1
This was an outstanding story with a lot of potential. But like all amazing stories on this stupid website, it appears to have been abandoned. Figures...
Harrydarcy chapter 24 . 2/9
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this fic. I suppose that it is unreasonable to spect an update after nine years, but ‘while there’s life there’s hope’ Lol?
shirley chapter 24 . 1/21
amigui actualiza tu historia es muy buena para dejarla caer
Guest chapter 9 . 10/21/2023
HoneyBear84 chapter 24 . 10/7/2023
Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
HoneyBear84 chapter 24 . 10/4/2023
Love it so far and seriously hope you will start updating it again someday soon
Smithback chapter 24 . 9/25/2023
this was awesome... but it has been 9 years...
so.. perhaps? one day?

anyway, great great job
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