Reviews for Pressure
honu59 chapter 6 . 12/7/2012
Beginning with the semi peaceful ending to a long day and progressing to a frightening car chase, a life-threatening crash and now Steve has been taken. What a roller coaster! This story is so exciting! Great writing - looking forward to whatever happens next, pacing the floor like Steve.
TSOSF site chapter 5 . 12/6/2012
Excellent dialogue. Your writing is the complete package here. The characters, the scene description, the humor - it's all well done.
KaiManoKoa chapter 5 . 12/5/2012
This is a great read. The plot is very interesting and well paced and I'm loving the touches of humor among the team. It's all very easy to picture, especially Steve being so matter of fact about getting things done. Back to the end of the last chapter for a second - Kono landing on Danny to protect him? Danny might be better off just taking the bullet. :) Great scene, though. I love their banter when they work together. Thoroughly enjoying this, thanks.
honu59 chapter 5 . 12/5/2012
Are you sure that Danny is going to be safe at Steve's place? My guess is that
they will both be in danger. But Steve is stubborn and probably thinks that he
has everything under control.

Love this line: "Everyone who heard that statement knew that it was as set in stone as one of the tablets Moses had brought down from the mountain."

This describes Steve to a tee, LOL! Great banter between the guys with a nice touch of humor to break the tension. This adds dimension to the characters which really brings them to life. Good job!
honu59 chapter 4 . 12/4/2012
Another good chapter! Love your descriptions. I agree with Kono - Danny's probably safer in lock-up. I don't think he should be out on the streets, even with Kono watching out for him. And ouch! Danny being tackled by Kono? Even if it's for his own good, that had to hurt, LOL! Looking forward to your next chapter.
KaiManoKoa chapter 3 . 12/3/2012
Wow. These people who are after Danny don't mess around. I'm glad Steve is so involved with this story. That's somewhat reassuring for Danny's sake, Great chapter.
honu59 chapter 3 . 12/3/2012
Great chapter that moves things along nicely! A threatening note - something to
investigate and now Danny's snitch is dead. And Mickey says that he is
everywhere. Yikes! I think it's time to move Danny into a safe house at the very least. Off-island is still a good idea. Looking forward to more!
honu59 chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
That ER doctor's behavior was not very professional. I'm going to file a complaint, LOL! Another exciting chapter. Danny was very lucky that his building was set fire after he woke up! As exhausted as he was, he wouldn't have made it out otherwise. Mickey is definitedly out to get Danny. Five-O had better take extra precautions. Is it time for Danny to take a long vacation off island? Looking forward to the next update!
Tanith2011 chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
At times like the ones Danny are having, I really prefer not to be in his shoes! And that impertinent ER doctor...nicely handled the McGarrett way :-)
Oh dear, why do I get a feeling that this is just the beginning for what you have in store for our sandy haired detective? *WINK*
Keep up the great story telling!
TSOSF site chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Uh oh Danno, this doesn't look good for you! But for the readers, it's another great story. Can't wait to see more of this.
KaiManoKoa chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Great opening. I loved the descriptions of Johnston, and of their battle in the alley. and of Steve's arrival. Loved the last line, that was awesome. I could totally see that happening, LOL. Looking forward to the next chapter.
honu59 chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Hooray, a new story, and a good start. I feel like I need a shower after reading this (I'm sure that Danny does, too). Very exciting action-packed chapter and ouch, getting hit in the face by a flying handcuff! I sense that Mickey's going be big trouble and will hunt Danny down. Love the bit of humor at the end - Kono doesn't know his own strength. Looking forward to more!
Tanith2011 chapter 1 . 12/1/2012
Woohoo glad to see another story from you! And this opening doesn't disappoint :-)

Very exciting and thrilling scene of a classic Five-O arrest (with the added Danny "maim", of course). Loved Kono toward the end of the chapter and the last line was a favorite. I hope the next update is around the corner.
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