Reviews for Overlady
haystack51 chapter 92 . 11/8/2024
this chapter got me so bad
haystack51 chapter 52 . 10/29/2024
Id suspected an evil twin because of the hot-and-cold but I mustve missed the "in two places" line my first read around.
kuroshiragami0 chapter 92 . 10/29/2024
Great stuff I would love this as a fanseries on YouTube
Monster King chapter 92 . 9/18/2024
I love this story I am very much enjoying it I can't wait for the next update I love overlord fanfiction
Okami2312 chapter 92 . 6/24/2024
Good for Louise
Started feeling like she was just being led on her nose by Henrietta this whole freaking time and not even on purpose which honestly makes it worse.
Reminded me of Stolas from Helluva boss but without the shared feelings or even the sex.
Genuinely sad.
tremor3258 chapter 92 . 4/8/2024
My notifications turned off and I got behind, I'm really enjoying part 15. Louise earned a win and getting this sorted out a bit.
RoelH chapter 92 . 4/2/2024
I really enjoy this tale, I hope you'll continue it. Its too good to perish
Ikurus chapter 92 . 3/8/2024
Thank you for writing and sharing this story. It is absolutely brilliant and amazing.
I read it once a long time ago when it was maybe half this long and found it again recently and I think I love it even more now.
Guest chapter 92 . 2/4/2024
2hupedia chapter 26 . 1/29/2024
You know, I can't tell if I'd be a great Evil"tm" person or not with how threats to me, even a dad talk tend to make my mind spiral down to long term revenge for even daring.
Either way it's probably a good thing this is Louise and not me or that dad talk Scarron gave would've had me planning a way to either kill or seal him in some outer gods playpen to suffer for far longer then a mere eternity.
Or I'd die trying I guess, honestly who tries to ruin another persons evil streetcred like that.
2hupedia chapter 15 . 1/29/2024
I do wonder if her family tore into that magic school for low-key having a hand into what happened.
While the staff had nothing to do with her situation they certainly didn't stop the bullying that was the real catalyst for her desperation.
2hupedia chapter 5 . 1/28/2024
Oh wow she straight up mugged that guy and ruined his livelyhood.
She's grown so much *sniffles*
Also, Ah yes the dreaded mile truly an Evil measurement, Louise might need to step up her game afterall, still using the *disdainful sniff* Metre like some lunatic.
2hupedia chapter 2 . 1/28/2024
I really like the comedy, like... it's such a breath of fresh air but another part of me does hope she gets really into actually being an Overlord past the funni bits
TMI Fairy chapter 92 . 1/23/2024
Absolutely wonderful.
A work of genius!
Grizzly Writings chapter 92 . 1/22/2024
Despite what she hopes for, I imagine a meeting with Kirche's group isn't too far out. Looking back, I thought Tabitha inherited the void magic, but looks like I was mistaken. Still, her uncle was killed by Louise, so I'm sure something will happen there.

Thinking about it, Tabitha's cousin (didn't bother to look up the name) might have the void magic now, or Tabitha's sister (who may not exist here for all I know). Can't wait to see how everything unfolds.

And once again, good for Louise, talking things out like a proper adult. And doing adult things, of course.
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