Reviews for Mistaken Relations
Vanessa Masters chapter 2 . 9/12
"Yeah," Jack answered with a grin and puffed out his chest proudly. "Collected tons of eggs!" He noticed that a couple people had taken their eyes off of the fight to give him odd looks. What, couldn't a grown man join in Easter too? He ignored them, as usual, and focused instead on the other man's response.

"Yes, excellent holiday! I do prefer Christmas myself, of course," the white haired man chuckled heartily. "Would you not say so, Jack Fenton?"

Jack was about to enthusiastically declare that yes, Christmas would be the best, if only his wife would stop arguing with him and the truth, but he found himself distracted as an oversized rabbit chucked a boomerang with, like, fifty some-odd snowballs following at the red-clothed man. Quick as the wind, the man pulled two swords out from nowhere and blocked the rapid fire as best he could. It didn't stop everything, but Jack found the display impressive none the less.

"Give it up, North!" shouted the rabbit in an Australian accent, "I got this one!"

"Ha! You wish, Bunnymund!"

Wait, what?

Then his brain kicked into analyzing mode. Oversized, talking rabbit-kangaroo mutant with an Australian accent. Jack could only come up with one conclusion.

"GHOST!" He quickly searched his coat, came up with a Fenton Ectoblaster, and drew it in just a couple of seconds. He'd have to work on getting that time faster. Determinedly, he pointed the ecto-weapon at the rabbit, who suddenly seemed to notice him for the first time. "FREEZE GHOST BUNNY!"

"Wait, wait, wait," the rabbit stilled in his rapid snow fire, eyes wide and cautious as he raised his hands in surrender. "Is the bloke talking to me? He, an adult, can see me?! See us?!"

"Of course I can see you, ghost!" declared Jack proudly. Inwardly, he cheered. It actually froze! Haha! He knew his reputation would get around someday.

"Is he for real?" it groaned and put a paw over its eyes. "Why am I surprised? For the last time, I am not a ghost!"



Those Fenton boys frustrating E Aster.

Oh, Jack getting to meet Santa made me happy teary eyed, but then he thinks Santa is a ghost /
Vanessa Masters chapter 1 . 9/12
"Little town in North West America called Amity Park. Ring any bells?"

The winter spirit uncrossed his legs, a slight frown coming to his lips. "Wait, you mean that town with all the ghosts?"

"Ghosts?" Tooth squeaked.

Jack nodded. "Yeah, I haven't gone there much recently because there have been a whole bunch of dead people hanging around there that can see me, and they're not very friendly."

"Well apparently one of them was," Bunnymund shot back.

The white-haired boy scowled in his direction before turning back to North and the others. "Wait, are you guys serious?" Jack correctly interpreted their hesitation and took a step forward to emphasize his next words. "That's impossible! I didn't think spirits could even have kids!"

"Neither did we," Bunny responded. Jack shot him another venomous glare but ignored him again. He'd figured out long ago that that tended to be the best way to deal with Bunnymund and his barbs when he wasn't in a mood to banter.

Instead, he continued on his mini tirade. "I don't even know how humans have kids, let alone spirits! How could I have a kid?!"

This time stunned silence met his words. "Y-you really don't know?" Tooth asked.

Jack blushed. Now, being a winter spirit, he didn't blush like humans did. Instead of going red, his skin turned bluish-purple. He never could figure out why, but it hadn't meant that much to him as he rarely got embarrassed and when he did it wasn't like anyone could see him anyway. A year ago, he wouldn't have minded or even acknowledged the comment, but after a year of actual interaction, he couldn't help the color that rose to his cheeks. He hadn't meant to reveal that. "Well, I know the baby grows inside a mother's stomach, but I never quite figured out how they chose fathers."



Oh, so innocent and sweet.

Oh, course Noeth knows Jack.

And snow day, huzzah!

This was great, thanks for writing
SunPho3n1x chapter 2 . 9/29/2023
So hilarious!
kittyrsocute chapter 1 . 8/30/2022
I love this story. I always end up coming back for a re-read.
Stormshadow13 chapter 1 . 5/24/2022
Lossetta chapter 2 . 3/26/2022
xD awww I just wanna hug Jack F. right now.
Lumberjanes05 chapter 2 . 9/3/2021
this is amazing!
Keniskarolff chapter 2 . 7/13/2021
Jaajajakfafjaktaajfah, mi oh, es tan, jajjajfaja
Dp-Marvel94 chapter 2 . 2/10/2021
This is my second time reading this and it's so good! I just love hilarious misunderstandings so much. And Jack getting to met North made me so happy!
SapphireKiddTaeyeon chapter 2 . 12/11/2020
just a randompersontoread chapter 1 . 11/6/2020
this absolutely fantastic
Guest chapter 2 . 7/24/2020
i was laughing the hole time. Santa's a ghost oh my god YES!
Ben the Lesser chapter 2 . 7/23/2020
I wonder how upset Tooth will be when she learns what she missed.
Cyan Quartz chapter 2 . 4/16/2020
Loved the story my dude! Great stuff.
Basil Allegri chapter 2 . 1/16/2020
That was a good end "realization" XD
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