Reviews for The Unicorn at Hogwarts
werd me chapter 3 . 11/2/2014
You missed the Hogwarts school song!
Guest chapter 9 . 10/20/2014
I think the student knowing about the Potters and Black betraying them is not according to canon because it wasn't known news. Sirius Black was arrested for killing muggles and Peter but not the betrayal. Si I think it wasn't common knowledge.
Selidor chapter 9 . 8/24/2014
A risk maybe but not an unwelcome one. You can't be expected to rewrite the books to quell a few individuals. Taking liberties is the whole reason we write fanfictions. I personally like it. It means certain things can be resolved without you having to write two months worth of reading material. Looking forward to the next chapter. And I'm guessing you are waiting to have the Weasleys react to Twilight either when Arthur comes to visit or if they visit their home. Which with how fast the school year is going seems to be a possibility. There are admittedly allot of things I would do differently in the story but I can honestly say none of them are corrections, simply style differences. Keep up the good work. :P
Firesword7734 chapter 9 . 8/15/2014
Quite the risk indeed... 1 the whole peter petigrew thing, but 2 not having the next chapter out
Firesword7734 chapter 5 . 8/14/2014
You have twilight down to a T.
Firesword7734 chapter 3 . 8/14/2014
1 touché on the A/N
2 aww... But she's such a bookie! I would've loved to see her go on her own adventures, beating her own baddies, ect. Ect.
Firesword7734 chapter 2 . 8/14/2014
I feel like twilight should meet luna in the next chapter. I don't know why, just the idea of:1 her reacting to the name luna, 2 luna and ditzy being compared, and 3 twilight getting a friend besides potter & weasley
Firesword7734 chapter 1 . 8/13/2014
I think twilight needs a human-ification spell. Also one for spike.
Ryuus2 chapter 9 . 7/25/2014
You're right, that is a hell of a big risk you're taking. But you have to take big risks to get big rewards, and knowing your work to the degree I do, I can see quite a lot of fun and awesome coming out of this one if it plays out right. And only part of that is what Twilight does in the Black Library ;)

Keep up the great work!
Theta 'Krypto' Nigma chapter 9 . 7/23/2014
Oddly enough I don't recall having read a fanfic yet that points out this obvious flaw. The Twins had the map the whole time and they never once noticed the name Peter Pettigrew right next to Ron? You might consider this a risk but I am greatly enjoying it and am looking forward to more.
Fabius Maximus chapter 9 . 7/20/2014
Very nice chapter- and an excellent use of the Map. I don't think this is a risk- in fact it's done two things I like. 1. It's not keeping 1-1 to the books, and 2. You're letting other characters have equal time which is very good.

Keep up the good work!
Wren Truesong chapter 9 . 7/19/2014
Maybe a bit of one, but an AWESOME one. Some serious differences out of this, radiating like a flap of those butterfly wings. *grin*
ladygoddess8 chapter 9 . 7/16/2014
It's kind of funny all this about Twilight flying on a broom when in the show she is an alicorn now. Have you considered adding her changing or will she end up returning exactly when she left?
AnFan-n-More chapter 9 . 7/16/2014
What risk? Sounds like a good plan. Twilight and Spike still don't have anyplace to go, and if Sirius does get out due to this, Harry might offer to put them up, know as he does about not having a Home. If you are talking about going off strict HP Plot line, then I approve in a big way. It gives your story a lot more room for introducing something in a new light or even something earlier than in canon.

Thanks for posting the story. I've enjoyed reading what you've posted so far. I look forward to more if you are still writing it :)
AnFan-n-More chapter 2 . 7/15/2014
I'm finding this story a very good read. The introduction of Twilight to the world of Harry Potter was done really well. I can tell that a lot of thought went into creating the plot line, or at least the beginning of it :)

I was a little surprised, at first, that everyone seemed so accepting of Twilight and Spike. Discounting Snape of course. Then I realized that I was coming from a Muggle viewpoint. There is nothing to say that Wizards would be discombobulated over something entirely new, given it's magical. Any hint that it's Muggle would of course cause it to hit prejudice and veer off into the black hole of Don't Understand, even if there is desire to. I wonder if Twilight will figure that out? Any attempt to change the purebloods ideas on inheritance will probably pound it into her conscious mind.

I can see that Twilight will have a huge impact on Harry if he befriends her and she falls into the Hermione role. Being older and having a much better view on how to do research for topics that aren't usually covered in books will make a huge difference. Especially given you've started her looking into law and history. Her knowledge of Friendship will also likely short circuit Harry's bouts of anger and frustration to some extent, unless that anger is influence of a Horcrux in his scar. Then it's a wild card.

I look forward to reading more of this story and I hope that it hasn't gone to seed given that I know the FIM Loops are updated regularly. Love those also, BTW.
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