Reviews for Blizzard
Maraja Sargasso chapter 28 . 9/8/2022
This has been such a beautiful read, possibly one of my favorites. I love how you blended movie and book elements so seamlessly. If fanfics could be best sellers this would be one
BeyondTheMoon1203 chapter 28 . 7/1/2022
Oh. My. MOON. I have read many ROTG fanfics, but I have to say that THIS one is one of the best that I have EVER READ. LIKE, EVER! :D The storyline was perfectly paced; everyone was in character. The narration, imagery, and everything about it was simply PERFECT. This story is a wonderful work; it even pulled a few tears out of me. :’) I was blown away by just the first chapter and the book references you thew in! :D Even though it took me an entire day to binge read this fic, I enjoyed every single second of it! :D You’re an amazing author, and thank you so much for creating this story with wonderful messages, and brining out the best in the Guardians of Childhood. :)
sami1010220 chapter 28 . 1/18/2022
Incredible job! I love your style of writing and hope to read more from you soon
e10620ac chapter 28 . 12/17/2021
mooooooooooooooooooore nooooooooooooooooooooooooooow plzzzzzzz
hopeistheway chapter 28 . 7/16/2020
Wow wow. That was such a great read! There were so many moments I stopped to savor and such great character dynamics. It’s about 5AM because I stayed up all night to finish this (I was THAT enthralled), but here’s a few highlights from some of my favorite parts:
The description of Jack under the lake where he appears to be sleeping.
The imagery / descriptions overall. Sometimes terrifying enough to make me stop and silently panic (like with the battles and especially during the fake out moment with the kids freezing), sometimes so beautiful I found myself sighing wistfully (like when Katherine tells the story and the description in the beginning about the woods/ memories of Jack’s sister).
“Throwing a grin in for the hell of it” line when Jack’s evading Phil. LOVED it, such a simple detail that made all the difference.
“For one certain moment, he was sure the little brat was dead”. This line killed me and that one and so many others made me positively cackle.
And also, the way you described Jack’s agony at the start of the story/ following through with the aching feeling after? Immaculate. Adored how clear and vivid you wrote his feelings

This was truly just a DELIGHT to read and I adored it. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. I loved Jack’s And the Guardians’ arc and ending on a note of hope. As well as how you made everything clear especially to those who haven’t read the original Guardians of Childhood books. I haven’t, and everything was explained in a way that didn’t feel forced or excessive. I immensely enjoyed this; thanks for keeping me up with such a delightful read!
NeverMoreOurselves chapter 28 . 3/8/2020
Gotta day, I did NOT see that last part coming at all!

I thought it was odd when Aur said “Mother,” but I passed it off as confusion or something.
I really, really enjoyed that ending. It tied up most of the loose ends, and left just enough behind to allow for the reader’s imagination to fill the gaps. So of course, like ever other good story I read, I’m left wanting more.
It was truly amazing to read this, and not only did this feel like it could have been a legit sequel, but it was also really good at fulfilling the fan’s desires. Getting Jack and Bunny to actually form a brotherly bond? Gorgeous. Allowing for Tooth to be protective of and close to Jack without pushing a romance of any kind? Magnificent. Injured Jack? Wonderful. And that last moment, with Pitch? Wholesome.
This book got me to feel a multitude of emotions. Several times I found myself fangirling. Like I was squealing (although it was really late so I limited to a sort of whisper) and jumping up and down and rolling around and I think dancing at one point? I was so excited! Some scenes even gave me goosebumps!
I really, truly enjoyed this book, and it was a wonderful read.
Please, please keep up your amazing work, and have a wonderful day/night.
NeverMoreOurselves chapter 26 . 3/7/2020
Hi, me again. Just popping in to ask about Eros, because I think he’s one of my favorite characters in this fic. Eros, Aur, Jack, and Jamie are my favorites.
So I was curious about how you created Eros and Aur. Like, what was your inspiration? Why did you make their personalities the way they are? Why chose to put Eros in all black? Why have Cupid in at all (not that I’m complaining, cuz he is awesome)? I guess I’m just curious about the process of the creation of these characters and your choices to incorporate them into the story. They’re very interesting and I’d love to learn more about them and their histories. You could develop so much lore around them, it would be amazing.
NeverMoreOurselves chapter 14 . 3/3/2020
Ayyyy I caught that reference to Ombric’s library in book two.
Oh how I love when the book series is included in the fiction. It’s so lovely. Thank you very much for that.
NeverMoreOurselves chapter 13 . 3/2/2020
Wow! That isn’t concerning at all!
I must say I’ve been on the edge of my seat for a while now, but this chapter is probably one of my favorites, right next to the second one.
Your writing is beautiful and the descriptive language really does paint an amazing image in my mind. The metaphors and similes certainly help with that too.
You’ve become a source of inspiration for me. I hope to write like you, TheTimelessCycle.
kittykruger chapter 28 . 10/31/2019
Holy heck this fic is amazing! I really love the depth of your story and how you really captured the best emotions here. I followed in case you ever post more, but this really was a beautiful ending. Great work!
Guest chapter 28 . 7/12/2019
Heya Pitch. Turning into a good guy anytime soon?
Guest chapter 26 . 7/12/2019
Happy ending? I feel like I ask this too often but can't help it! What's a book if it has a sad ending?
Guest chapter 23 . 7/12/2019
I love Eros. He's like Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
Guest chapter 23 . 7/12/2019
I wanna skip to the end chapter, then go back to this chapter, then read to the end with the end. Idk if I'm making much sence but that's what I wanna do
Guest chapter 19 . 7/11/2019
1 AM in the morning and I haven't even began to read the chapter. I wanna cry because it's soo good but I'm too tired to continue reading. Oh well, let's see how much more I can read before passing out
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