Reviews for The Save Button is Your Friend
tanis2blades chapter 4 . 3/10
oh, now i remember why I dropped this
theeelderman chapter 1 . 8/21/2023
people still want more even though it ain't gonna happen l smug face l
Narutolnuzuka chapter 30 . 11/9/2022
aweee I want more lmao please continue this
zNightMxre chapter 30 . 8/15/2022
Yes it is
Guest chapter 30 . 8/12/2022
Creat more please
Nwcleear chapter 16 . 6/9/2022
this is just according to my reading preferences so take it with a grain of salt, but i always find that written fanfiction like these arent suited for very long fight sequences and its really hard to pay attention and reimagine the entire thing as you read. definitely not impossible, but the story's been great so far and i had to point this one out
lou2003us chapter 30 . 4/27/2022
I really want to see what happens next. Looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great work.
Shortmike24 chapter 4 . 4/13/2022
nah fucking lost with that dumb shit. just make a op motherfucker god i hate stupid drama shit.
Brigadier7899 chapter 3 . 12/30/2021
Is this ENTIRE STORY one long narrative?
TsukuyoGintoki chapter 30 . 10/31/2021
man, I wish there was more
Stormbringers Fury chapter 30 . 10/19/2021
While I realize this story will never be finished, I have to say its been a great story. The little tid bits of foreshadowing show alot of thought and planning had gone into its creation and I feel this would have been an epic story.
Thank You
Username6166 chapter 2 . 7/23/2021
The switching between Naruto's first person POV to a general third person POV is kinda shoddy
EtheriousLogia chapter 30 . 4/28/2021
pls updoot
Mastersgtjames chapter 4 . 4/5/2021
this... is dumb. killed it for me.
Yeah, not interested.
Mastersgtjames chapter 3 . 4/5/2021
MC, having mastered Fuinjutsu, ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and maybe kenjutsu... should puit some effort into learning something new with this new chance. Like learning iryojutsu. Maybe figure out how to be immortal. Or those Hashirama cells for regeneration.
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