Reviews for Ireland's Blog of Clover-ness
Holding Nips chapter 14 . 11/1/2018
Great Blog Thank You
csn251 chapter 15 . 2/15/2014
G'day Ireland, it's Australia! Just lettin' you know that Ned Kelly, one of our great national heroes, was Irish, and he stood up against the Poms.

One other thing, I would just like to say that I still hope you remember Mr Michael Collins and the sacrifice he made during your Civil War. He was a truly remarkable man.

Regards, your friend Down Under.
DublinClover chapter 15 . 11/11/2013
Hallo big sis! Its Dublin, your little sister and capital... who is losing her accent because she is currently trapped in Spain... please, sis, get me out! I'll take you and big brother Scotland drinking with whoever else wants to come and I'll pay for it all, just please get me out before I lose my accent completely! Oh, and by the way, my authoress says she's got a lot of Irish blood in her. Send beer and people to break me out! Bye, Ireland!
KeseKolKol chapter 15 . 1/22/2013
Is it true that the Loch Ness monster is your niece...? Trololololololololololololol olololololololol!
Vampchick2010 chapter 15 . 1/18/2013
Hi there ireland.

You and France? *shudders*

Why the glare? Iggy isn't that bad. He could have acted like a jackass due to being bullied. Did you and your other brothers pick on him a lot? Just curious.

Hi Swirly *waves back*
Michigan chapter 3 . 1/18/2013
...Tell me about how much of an idiot England can be sometimes. Somehow, he was able to keep my lands in his name... Technically.

I have quite a few citizens that happen to be dragons, and they would like to say that Wales does NOT shag sheep; Wales shags dragons instead, and that it's New Zealand that shags sheep.

They also want to steal a few leprechauns. Blame it on their hoarding instincts.

Speaking of Welsh things, does Wales ever smell like dragonfire? By association, does Scotland ever smell like Nessie?

One more thing: If you ever want Northern Ireland back, I will help you. There's a reason the south-central region of the State I represent is called the Irish Hills, after all.
Anonymous Quincy chapter 15 . 1/18/2013

Good, I'm glad we're on tha' same page.

Aye, got a problem with that? By the way, I'm now very glad I was stuck at home while that New Years party was goin' on. (Bogged down with work.)

Who doesn't have fun torturing 'im? Was it that obvious I've shaved his eyebrows before? I thought fer sure I was hidin' it well enough.

I've almost read all of it. Been busy, like I said, but I'm nearly caught up.

Um, no. I've got my own author to deal with, along with all the other countries she admins for. I swear she 'as too many of us.

(Author: I do not! Just Romania, Norway, Egypt, Japan, China, you, and Austria!)

... Between my boss and this girl I think I may just go insane.
SasuIchi4ever chapter 14 . 1/18/2013
Blah blah blah
Romano: Stupid bastard...
Logan: Shut up...
Romano: U have to tell her...
Logan: Ummmm welllll Ireland...I kinda found pics ... of u...with france...and wellll
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 15 . 1/18/2013
Lupi: What happened? *Blush* Err...
Prussia: Mein dumme author got shit-faced drunk. Und unawesomely hit on Muse und the awesome me... /To Lupi/ You are never getting unawesomely drunk again.
Lupi: *Sighs* You're just saying that cuz I love meh vodka, and you haven't talked to Ivan since that phone call...
Prussia: N-Nein! That's an unawesome lie, your just unawesomely creepy when drunk...!
inactuser chapter 15 . 1/17/2013
2p romano: YAY! Ciao
Anonymous Quincy chapter 14 . 1/17/2013

Oi lass, it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry fer not stoppin' by inna while, boss 'as been keepin' me busy. Don' let France get ya down. He might be a pervert, but jus mention that you got yer older brother checkin' in on ya now anna he'll back off a bit. Been wondering though, how has Wales been hangin' in there? I haven't seen 'im innae while so I'm none too sure. Nice prank on England, by tha' way. Immae impressed. Well, I guess I'll leave it there. Hope ta hear from ya soon.
stardust561 chapter 14 . 1/17/2013
Fem!Roma: I know what I did now . . . *Is forever ashamed* And I presume you know what happened with you and . . .
Fem!Italy: Big Brother France? He told me what happened with him and you Ciar! Wow, I can't believe it, vee!

Fem!Roma: Maybe I should just avoid the party all together for next year . . . *Knows that Feli will probably drag her there anyway*

Fem!Italy: Vee Lovi was with Prussia? OoO A lot of things are happening . . . Blakcmail is fun, isn't it? *smirk*

Fem!Roma: O.O Sorella . . .?

Fem!Italy: Si, ve? *giggles*

Fem!Roma: Never mind . . .

Fem!Italy: Anyway, I hope you and Big Brother France sort it all out soon!
Vampchick2010 chapter 14 . 1/14/2013
Hi Ireland,

So your friends with my country's personification? Awesome. Yeah, i am a american. Yet my fav country is germany. lol

Oh, how can you hate iggy? i am part british (please don't hate me). I am also part irish and scottish.

Yay! Gerita! sorry i am a wee bit of a fangirl.
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 14 . 1/12/2013
Lupi: *Sober* O/O Who ever said that I was straight? *Confused look* Of course I'm Bi...
/To France/ Come on over here and we'll find out... ;D
Prussia: *Face-palm* Nein, just nein... *Reads part about him and Romano* *Blushing hard* S-So what if mein awesomeness slept with him...!?
Lupi: Pffft! You'd better bloody hope that Spain doesn't read that! XD
Prussia: *Pales*
Alfred F. Jones chapter 14 . 1/12/2013
Okay, it's done! Just like that girl sa... whoa. Wait. Did that super-hot chick that looks like Italy say NOT to put those pictures on Facebook or what?
... Oh, she said DON'T. ... ... Hahaha, WHOOPS! I totally read THAT wrong!
Sorry Cier! I seriously thought she said to post 'em...

(You're welcome. ;D)
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