Reviews for Ireland's Blog of Clover-ness
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 11 . 12/28/2012
Prussia: *Sees picture of himself naked* Gottverdammt beer und vodka!
Lupi: Tsch! Admit it, you're just a whore! Why else would you have pashed Ivan, Franny and (Censorsed because he, Gil and maybe even Ivan will kill me) all on Xmas! Not to mention to mention sucking (Censored)'s dick as well as Ivan's!
Prussia: GAH! I told you not to unawesomely mention that!
Lupi: I'd rather sell you out to save myself, your boyfriend is scary! QQ
Prussia: *Glares* He never actually asked mein awesomeness out, so he's not mein unawesome boyfriend!
Lupi: Riiiiggghhhttt! Just like Kaliningrad/Königsberg isn't your adoptive love-child of Russia's!
Iluna Sorgina Talis chapter 11 . 12/28/2012
Hello, Ireland!

This is a boring, sane question, but after reading your blog I'd say sane and normal are just what you need. *shivers* Anyway, I was wondering what your favorite type of music is. Like I said, boring and normal, but there it is. :)


Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 11 . 12/28/2012
Ello again Ireland!
That's good! Hmm, let's see... Ooh, how are my 1P siblings? I never really talk to them all that much, since we're in two different worlds, so I'm just wondering! Maybe I'll even come to visit soon!
2P England
inactuser chapter 11 . 12/28/2012
2p greece: Well...I don't have a sister...and I don't stalk I can't be Russia.
GK: she means the russia in this world
2p greece: I don't care about him.
TheSexiiiFrancis chapter 8 . 12/28/2012
Oh girls! CAN ONII-CHAN JOIN YOU? /nosebleeds/
OfSunflowerIce chapter 10 . 12/27/2012
I-If you can befriend her, I'm happy for you. *nods*

And I killed that little Comdare because he talked crap about my cute Rabbit, da? *frowns*

((Muse: Well, it is 'cuz Lupi often refers to himself as 'Author'. You call yourself Swirly, so I guess that's not a big deal?

Hey! I didn't! I was merely complimenting on Gil's creamy a- *stabbed continuously by Mr. Pipe*))

Seriously... How many lives do you have? *sighs*

((Muse: Erm... I thi- *stabbed again*))

Your words do not matter, da? *smiles*
Kurokawa Chan chapter 9 . 12/27/2012
*Is going to kill Lupi for the perverted comments about Yuri*
Oh for blood's sake! '-_- I'm NOT going to do THAT while SOBER!
Neko Sai-Sai chapter 8 . 12/27/2012
*Scarred for life* O-one-chan did what...? QQ
AKA Andre chapter 10 . 12/27/2012
*Twitch Twitch* How. The. Hell. Are you still ALIVE!? *Cracks knuckles while kol'ing like Russia*
stardust561 chapter 10 . 12/27/2012
(Hi, hi, hi! I'm Stardussst! :D I have Nyotalia! Feli and Lovi with meeee!)

Fem! Roma: Ciao.

Fem! Italy: Veee! Ciao, wanna be friends? :D Do you like pasta? *Hands bowl of pasta*

Fem! Roma: So, you're getting . . . weird comments too, huh? I'm not the only one . . . *sulks*

Fem! Italy: Do you know what the 'Atmosphere' is? Sorella won't let me ask Big Brother France! Me and (Fem!) America are looking for it! D:

Fem! Roma: *face palm* Anyway, how do you deal with your brothers? Don't they . . . become annoying sometimes?

Fem! Italy: Aww, sorella, are you talking about Seborga? (Roma was talking about Feli) Hug therapy time! :D

Fem! Roma: No.
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 9 . 12/27/2012
Lupi: YUUUUURRRRRIIIIIIIIIIII! (-Likes Yuri just as much as Yaoi!)
Awwwwww, Misa! Y u get sober!? ;-;
Prussia: *Backs away slowly* Mein Gott! What did you unawesomely do to him!?
Lupi: Girl sex is HOT! *Dreamy face*
Prussia: *Blinks* Did she survive Al's (AKA Andre's) unawesome wrath!?
Lupi: *Shrugs* Who knows...
Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 10 . 12/26/2012
Ello again Ireland!
Yes, she is! Which is why I don't spend much time with her!
But yes, I think she does play music occasionally!
2P England
SasuIchi4ever chapter 10 . 12/26/2012
YA ITS ME! Potato Bastard Number 3...
Logan (my name) -Roma-Chan calm the fuck down...
Logan - ... Well *puts a cloth over romanos mouth to shut him up*
Logan - Well its nice to meeet you im Logan
Chloe chapter 10 . 12/26/2012
I get other pictures through windows, I can only get THIS *waves naked picture of Prussia in air* by paying for whoring him out. XD

Oh! Merry Late Christmas! *Gives Swirly Giant Chocolate Cake and gives Ireland an old Celtic charm bracelet*
SasuIchi4ever chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
Ciao Ireland Remember me
I see you also started a fucking blog
* shots a marble at your stomach* THATS PAYBACK FOR THE GUITAR!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaahaha Potato Bastard number 3!
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