Reviews for Ireland's Blog of Clover-ness
Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
Ello again Ireland!
Thanks! I'm glad you like them!
Yay! Well, she's quite boring and not very fun at all... She's much like my counterpart, really!
2P England
OfSunflowerIce chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
Nyet! I don't want to talk about /her/... *shivers*

Uum... S-Spasibo... *blushes* I will send you two a baby Samoyed later, if you like dogs. Merry Christmas...

((Muse: 'Author' here means Lupi! Russia often calls him so! *smiles widely*))

Ahaha... Who allowed you to talk, Comdare? Corpses don't talk, da? *beams* You're supposed to be dead ages ago, da? *beams*

((Muse: *cries* I'm so sorry! *dead randomly*))
Chloe chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
I know Prussia's a whore. How do you think I got the picture?
inactuser chapter 9 . 12/25/2012
I find the 2ps interesting.
He isnt creepy all the time...just when he feels like it.
inactuser chapter 8 . 12/25/2012
Kala xristougenna (merry christmas)
Nico (2p greece) is can ignore him...rightnow hes at a world meeting with the other 2ps in their universe, mirror world he wont be back for a while.
Merry christmas!
OfSunflowerIce chapter 8 . 12/25/2012
I'm glad to hear that, da? *smiles*

... *glares at the girls* Uuh... This very sight reminds me of a certain someone... *shivers in fear*

To Author: You. *beams* Hand Rabbit over to me, da? Just see it as you're giving me my Christmas present! *beams*
AKA Andre chapter 8 . 12/24/2012
*Looks at Ciar and his little sister (Kurokawa Chan) in a compromising position* DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE! *Foams at mouth and charges foreward Kol'ing like Russia*
Kurokawa Chan chapter 8 . 12/24/2012
*Sobered up*
*Blushes like crazy* O/O
Oh, /God!/ *Face-table* Why did Anya give me three bottles of vodka!?
*Clutches head in pain and groans in a much quieter voice*
Uh, hello... Sorry about that...
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 8 . 12/24/2012
Lupi: *Groans in horrible pain* Prussia told GERMANIA!
Prussia: *Glares at Lupi* It's your own unawesome fault for taking pictures of Bruder naked!
Lupi: At least I don't cheat and whore myself out... -_-
Prussia: *Blushes* Gott! I told you not to unawesomely bring that up again!
Lupi: *Shrugs, but then winces in pain...* Can't hide the facts.
Prussia: *Ignores Lupi* It's not that mein awesomeness doesn't/wouldn't like you /THAT/ way... *Blushes harder* It's just that I'm with Ivan...
Lupi: *Nosebleeds at Yuriful goodness* Total UNF!
Prussia: *Passes out from excessive blushing and slight nosebleed over the Yuri*
Lupi: Kesesese! Bye-bye, and have fun! XD *Drags Prussia away*
Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 8 . 12/24/2012
Ello again Ireland!
You're welcome! Well, the one with the blue frosting is nonpoisonous and the one with the green frosting is poisonous! I sort of color coded it!
Oh, I did, didn't I? Hmm, I didn't even notice! Ah well! Aww, thanks!
2P England
Kurokawa Chan chapter 7 . 12/24/2012
/Fuck ya, ok?
(Swirly: Sorry, but I'm not into girls.)/

*Smirks* Oh, and why not? The sex is so much better! *Giggles drunkenly* I'd be more than willing to try something like that with a sexy Irish lass... *Winks*
*Gropes Ciar's chest* And she's got GREAT boooooobs too! *Presses her up against a wall and nips at neck* Mmmm, tasty!
AKA Andre chapter 7 . 12/24/2012
O.o Fuck off! I'm not related to YOU! I brought it up because Lupi mentioned that he was blackmailing that slimy frog who hangs off of my little brother (Neko Sai-Sai) at every available opportunity! *Mumbles* Dumb bitch...
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 7 . 12/24/2012
(As Prussia)
*Reads blog entries* Oh... *Blushes* Mein awesomeness is, er... flattered?
((Lupi: *Runs for the wrath of Prussia*))
Ja, Bruder und Feli ARE together...
Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 7 . 12/24/2012
Ello again Ireland!
No, they aren't! All my poison seems to have disappeared after 2P Italy came to my house! Hmm! I think I might have some poisonous ones leftover somewhere though! *searches* Aha! I found one! Here's one nonpoisonous one and one poisonous one for Sasana! [): [) Enjoy!
2P England
OfSunflowerIce chapter 7 . 12/23/2012
*frowns* No praise. I'm just saying the truth, da?

My my... Of course it was a joke, da? Even if it wasn't, I will /definitely/ make it one. *chuckles*
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