Reviews for Ireland's Blog of Clover-ness
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 7 . 12/23/2012
Ooh! You pranked England? Cool! I gots an idea for the next one! You can shave England's eyebrows off while he's sleeping. It'd be hilarious!
inactuser chapter 7 . 12/23/2012
2p greece: great idea, considering i havn't gone on a killing spree in a while, and that i really want to see people die.*smiles*
gk:...*steps away*
Chloe chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
Have you ever met Im Hyung Soo, South Korea's older brother North? He is a cutie pie! Though he is a little stubborn, I think he has a crush on Vietnam! Isn't that adorable? w
OfSunflowerIce chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
You're the lady who asked my Rabbit out, da? Maybe I should keep an eye on you, start with checking your blog more frequently, da?

Hmm... *grins* Gilbert really is feminine, I have to say. Especially his body... *blushes slightly*
AKA Andre chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
*Growls* What did France do to my little brother /now/?
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
*Squeaks angrily* I like lots of sexy countries, ok!? (That includes female countries as well) AND WHO ARE YOU CALLING /FEMININE!?/ I'M MANLY! /MANLY/ I tell you! *Shakes fist angrily*
Wait-! Black mail? Oh great... '-_- What do you want?
Ve Kuraresa Cupcakes chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
Ello Ireland!
Would you like a cupcake? I'm making special ones just for the holidays! Oh yes, and could you tell my counterpart that he should try one too! He never wants to willingly eat one! I hope you have a nice day!
2P England
inactuser chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
Gk: my beautiful doujinshi...YOU MONSTER!*slaps 2p greece* Also he has a gun...
2p greece: im not full of myself.
2p turkey: hes just telling the truth!
2p greece: GO AWAY!
2p greece: and you, shut up!
2p turkey: you dont like me? ;-;
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 6 . 12/21/2012
Heya Ireland! I got a question for ya! If you could match up any two countries, who would they be? Hasta la pasta!
TheSexiiiFrancis chapter 5 . 12/20/2012
My my Miss Ciar, I didn't know that you have a blog too! /winks/ And don't kill me! You can't kill a beautiful man like me! /gasps dramatically/
Guest chapter 5 . 12/19/2012
Hiya Ireland. I've got a random question for ya! If you had to spend a whole night in a closet with one nation, which would it be? Oh, and Prussia counts*wiggles eyebrows*
(Also sorry if this just shows up as a guest review, but in actually the Autheress Not-Alone-Anymore)
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 5 . 12/19/2012
No, he's not. But he IS afraid of Al. (My insanely scary friend who is an overprotective big brother, not America...)
Not against his will! Tsch! *Offended* You think I don't have the money to bribe people!?
What? Luddy's a sexy piece of-! *Clamps hands over mouth* If Gil asks, I NEVER said that! ...Or have that picture...
Oh, well. I guess that if I do manage to get a picture I could just sell it to Russia, or AUSTRIA! (For black-mailing purposes of course)
Chloe chapter 5 . 12/19/2012

Anyways, I just so happen to have a naked picture of Prussia. His thighs are juicy and muscular ;)

Anyways, can I have some beer? Ignoretgefactthatimaminor
inactuser chapter 5 . 12/19/2012
2p greece: that was me and my pamsexiness
Gk:..its okay swirly! 2p turkey is really nice though, its like spamano sort of execpt 2p greece curses less and would totally top.
2p greece: ...*throws knife*
Gk: *ducks*haha! You missed me!
2p greece: i wasnt aiming for you
Gk: *sees giripan doujinshi have a knife in it*YOU MONSTER
Chloe chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
Hello Ireland! How is the beer in your country?
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