Reviews for Ireland's Blog of Clover-ness
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
*Just realizes that he forgot something* That's right, I was supposed to tell Gil! ...Damn it! *Forgets things easily*
I was going to tell him but my friend Al ran into me on my there, and then we went drinking with Turkey! *Face-palm* I'm gunna kill him... *Starts Kol'ing like Russia*
*Completely back to normal* And don't be angry at Franny, I black-mailed the translation out of him... *Innocent smile*
I've would've done it myself, but I only have a basic grasp of a few different languages apart from my own. (E.g. Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Indonesian, etc.)
Question time!
1. How much would it horrify you if I made Prussia read your blog?
2. Since you didn't like my pretty picture of Denmark, would you prefer this one instead? *Le picture of Germany naked* Sorry that I couldn't get one of Prussia, but he doesn't trust me for numerous reasons...
3. Do you think that Russia treats Prussia badly, by uh... playing with his emotions and stuff?
4. How would you react to seeing Prussia and his famed 5 meters out in the buff?
5. What DO you look like? I assume no horrid eyebrows this time...
inactuser chapter 4 . 12/19/2012
ahahaha! took the crazy's computer!
(gk: im right here, dumbass. YEAH, SWIRLY, YOU IZ AWESOME, BROFIST!)
ireland, have you actually met any 2ps in real life?
shut the hell up.
2p turkey sucks, i dont like him. that would not work out.
(gk:...;-; dont ruin meh yaoi dreams)
Chloe chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
2P Hungary: Yo wassup GURL I'm Lizzy. So like have you met your own 2P? Cuz she pretty cool.
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
Questions time!

What do you think of yaoi?

What do you think of yuri?
bodesciakirkland chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
Hello Ireland,

1) Who is everything going for you?

2) Are you getting along well with your brothers?

3) Have you even seen your brothers lately?

4) Is my cooking really awful-DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO YOUR MUMMY?!

Bodescia/Britannia/Mother Kirkland
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
((Well I could always post as Prussia... *Evil Smirk*))
Lupi: Sorry, but it's not like I've ever seen what you look like. It's just a question.
Anyway, I brought a friend this time! And no, not the one who's part Leprechaun...
France: Ohonhon! Crushing on notre cher Prusse, are we Ciar? *Wiggles eyebrows*
Lupi: Oh! Is that what she said?
France: Oui! *Winks*
Lupi: Kesesesese! Merci beaucoup, Franny! Bye Ciar! *Skips off to find Prussia*
France: Adieu, mon ami! *Leaves with Lupi*
inactuser chapter 3 . 12/18/2012
2p greece: ?
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 2 . 12/18/2012
Sheesh. Harsh much? Anyways, I'm glad your day is going well! Have an awesone week!
inactuser chapter 2 . 12/18/2012
2p greece:...giea
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 2 . 12/17/2012
Leprechauns don't count as faeries? O.o
Anyway, long story short... Her Great Grandpa is a Leprechaun. Unfortunately she's also half English.
More Questions!
1. What do you think about Sweden and his emo corner?
2. As a girl nation, what do you think of Hungary and Belarus?
3. What do you think of the fact that Prussia and Russia had sex?
4. Is Franny your crush? I'm just going to keep on guessing until you tell me.
5. *Le picture of Denmark naked* Or is it this guy that you like?
6. Are you a horrible drunk like England?
7. Do you have fuzzy caterpillar eyebrows like England?
8. What are Scotland and Wales like?
9. Do they have fuzzy caterpillar eyebrows like England?
10. Who is your best-est buddy in the whole wide world? :D
Bye for now!
EmeraldHeart12 chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Hey there Miss Ireland! How's your day so far? I'm actually half-irish! Tell Scotland, Wales and England I said hello!
xXxXLupicideXxXx chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Hi Ciar!
/Question time!/
1. Is it true that there's a drink in your country that can make people hallucinate?
2. Can you cook better than Eyebrows?
3. Have a crush on anyone? ;)
4. What do think of that pervy-flirt France?
5. Do you see faeries like your little brother?
*Gives you a four leaf clover that I found, and some Leprechaun gold that I stole from a friend who is part Leprechaun...* Bye! :D
inactuser chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Giea sas ireland.
Are you part of the bro army?
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