Reviews for An Unexpected Addition
REDHAIREDGIRL chapter 29 . 8/27/2024
I almost feel like Bifur is speaking Klingon.
EspirituDelMar chapter 32 . 4/12/2024
This really was amazing. Thanks for writing this!
EspirituDelMar chapter 21 . 4/12/2024
I'm doing my best to keep Bilbo as properly "masculine and hobbit-y as possible. I personally get very annoyed when I see or read about males who are ridiculously feminized in stories"

It is noticed and greatly appreciated, believe me. I hate it when they feminize them too.

Thanks for this lovely story! I'm really loving it so far!
mayawene chapter 32 . 2/13/2024
Thank you
fairytalebliss182 chapter 32 . 8/31/2022
I absolutely loved this story! The way that you wrote the characters and expanded on their personalities was very impressive!
Animago chapter 22 . 9/11/2021
Me deu uma grande vontade de fazer cupcakes!
Eu amo a sua história. Aliás, adoro esse site! Conseguiria passar o ano somente lendo tudo desse site. Na verdade, acho que já fiz isso.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/27/2021
That was a beautiful story I could imagine all of it in perfect detail and cried at the wedding and ending it was perfect
Agarthan chapter 32 . 5/18/2021
BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL! Everything about this story is! Honestly, the last chapter had me have a sappy smile the whole time I'm was reading it But come the whole of the epilogue, I was shedding tears Ahhh, bittersweet ending but such is the life of mortals eh. I truly appreciate your work and thank google search I found your story
Agarthan chapter 28 . 5/18/2021
My repressed mischievous streak is rejoicing for this chapter! I really love your writing!
Guest chapter 32 . 4/23/2021
Thank you again for this very lovely story. It has become part of my head cannon after multiple rereads
Guest chapter 24 . 4/22/2021
Your lists of food have me hungry and looking for recipes and historical data on certain foods. So this too shall go to waist.
Animago chapter 18 . 2/20/2021
Foi importante isso ter acontecido, mas eu queria que alguma coisa ameaçadora tivesse acontecido com bilbo. Seria tão dramático, amo isto.
Rubyrria chapter 32 . 11/22/2020
I absolutely loved this story. I love the way you write, and the feelings in this story.
Lisiane chapter 31 . 11/9/2020
Such a nice story
Guest chapter 32 . 8/30/2020
It was a wonderful piece
Loved the beauty of the words melding to form this story .
Thank you for your efforts.
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