Reviews for An Unexpected Addition
PuckForPresident chapter 32 . 11/10/2014
Awesome story! I love Thorin/Bilbo-y fluff and it's really sweet how you used Frodo's adoption as a jumping off point. I'd love to read your other stories, so please PM links. Thank you!
punky warhammer chapter 1 . 10/31/2014
truly enjoyed the story! well done. sorry to hear about the haters and master-baiters.

write for you! The others should write for themselves and see how hard it is, and how easy it is to criticize when you have no dog in the fight.

hope you write more someday.

thank you!
RinneLin chapter 32 . 8/17/2014
I really loved your care for details and double checking the facts. And also all the yummy cakes and cookies mentioned in the story made my mouth water! I had to bake an apple pie to satisfy my sweet tooth :D Great story, although I kept waiting for Tauriel to appear and Kili to end up with her.
FaerieRing chapter 32 . 8/10/2014
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and we'll thought out story. I think you did a wonderful job and the ending was heart wrenching. Thank you so much.
GabbyKat13 chapter 32 . 7/25/2014
This was amazing and fun story thank you so much for posting it. You also made me cry at the end,it was really nice.
OwnerOfTwoManyCatss chapter 9 . 6/18/2014
I have to laugh at your authors note. I too, notice when an illness is in a fanfic, it is never diarrhea- even though it is of the most common illnesses and very easy to contract. Must be one of those taboo things that we humans barely speak about- I am glad someone had the guts to do it.
Delasya chapter 32 . 6/12/2014
I really loved your story ! I saw many references that I really liked, and everything here is really logical and not... "too romantic" etc...
You actually made me cry in the end (well, in fact, I'm still crying right now ahah).

Your story was beautiful, thank you for this wonderful moment of dream and fantasy ! :)
Soy YO-SARIEL chapter 32 . 6/6/2014
Soy YO-SARIEL chapter 20 . 6/4/2014
que romántico!
Final Syai Lunar Generation chapter 32 . 6/1/2014
I know I may be EXTREMELY LATE but I just wanted to voice my thoughts :3 I honestly loved everything about this story. It was so much fun and enjoyable to read about other characters views and also see them as part of the whole thing in general. It was nice to see that it wasn't just focused on the main characters at all :3 I really loved that fact about this story. It was truly, truly awesome :3 and I also very much loved your A/N's at the end of each chappie. It was nice to read how you made the chapter and all the very realistic things that you included. It was really awesome lol. Also I loved the relationship between everyone. You included every single dwarf and they were just as important as Bilbo or Frodo. :D I really liked that. And also I loved how you stood firmly in your ideals when writing this instead of putting just baseless smut or incest, which I find disturbing lol. :P I just loved EVERYTHING! ;3 It was awesome and the first real story I ever read and finished that was completed in this fandom :3 I find it sad that the site is not what it used to be and has lost a great author but time are always changing. I just hope this story will always be you're most prided one with everything and that it remains seen as excellent. :3 this is totally going to be my favorite story ever in this fandom and I'm just happy that I got to read it :D You're an excellent writer who stays on the realistic side and I love that about this story and you :3 You truly are a great person :3 and This story was freaking awesome and I just loved it. KYAA! :3 LOL ;D

Keep up the fantastic work and good luck with finding a better place where people can appreciate your work :3
Guest chapter 2 . 5/18/2014
Omigod. I'm just picturing a mini 3 year old Elijah Wood. Toddler Frodo must be the cutest thing ever.
PurpleFairy11 chapter 32 . 5/10/2014
I love this story. Please keep up the amazing work with your other stories.
Jackie-B-123 chapter 27 . 5/10/2014
I can't stop laughing over that last bit. From kili knocking down, I'm just laughing. And laughing. And laughing.

Oh oh my.
Athena Silverwolf chapter 32 . 4/12/2014
Wow. Just wow. I'm amazed at what you've been able to do with this story and I love it. I was so impressed by the relationships you created between Bilbo, Frodo and all the Dwarves. I also was extremely impressed by the medieval customs and practices you used for the ancient Dwarven culture and traditions. I can tell a lot of research and knowledge was put into this story and for that I am thankful. It's so nice to read from a writer who knows what they're talking about. I can't believe how much I liked this story, and now I can't wait to read the sequel.
d1x1lady chapter 32 . 3/23/2014
Such a magnificent story. You are an incredibly gifted writer. Cannot wait to read more of your work.
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