Reviews for An Unexpected Addition
Lovelyroses29 chapter 14 . 9/23/2013
as i was reading this, i was like awww...this is is cute, dark, but cute. this is very good can't wait to read the rest.
Warlord Prince Wolf chapter 28 . 9/23/2013
God goddess that's funny go bilbo get them!
Catchfire chapter 19 . 9/10/2013
I'm not surprised that everyone loves this fic. It's like reading an actual published book more than reading a fanfic. Very professionally written. Not to mention really good to read. It's jusst what I was looking for. I have read books that were not as good. I thought that I would tell you this before I finished because I am not known to review very much anymore. Especially at ending such a good fic. You are good at writing what you know too. With both medical and fighting but all of it is kept understandable for everyone and realistic. It also doesn't overwhelm the fic either. Keep up the really great work. I personally say that you could have a grat career in writing either fanfics or books. But for the sake of my usually empty wallet I hope that you stick with fanfiction. Good luck with both your writing and your patients. I sure hope you have an easy-ish time with your patients so you can spend more time writing. But not so easy you lose your job or end up bored. And in case nobody else tells you thank you for being a doctor. Esppecially for kids. And it really does allow you a touch of realism for your fics that other writers just don't have. Oh and please excuse any weird things in this review I am using my kindle to leave it and it can mess up on the typing. Anyway I'm going back to the fic now. Bye.
Guest chapter 31 . 9/3/2013
Loved the "wedding". It was very original. A writer like you shouldn't have too many problems getting published.
Guest chapter 32 . 8/17/2013
Beautiful story. I'm normally not a fan of slash pairings but this one kept everything realistic and created a good balance with the addition of Frodo and the other dwarves. I loved every part with the other company members. On to read the drabbles now.
alreadysleeping chapter 7 . 8/15/2013
Just a quick question, I thought Frodo was about four or five and now he's eight? How long have they been hanging around in Erebor then? I didn't think that much time had elapsed between the chapters. Ah well, I may have missed something.
Panic chapter 32 . 8/4/2013
woah, what a great story. Good Job on making the romance feel real without becoming sentimental. I also thoroughly enjoyed the intense medical accuracy, and the development of dwarfish and hobbit culture. I also loved your sense of humour.

I was reading the story again, and I notice that there is a lack of Gloin in the story-he seems to be the dwarf without a shining moment. I was also wondering if Bofur shouldn't have had more of a role since he really was one of the first friends to Bilbo (along with Balin, of course) I also love Bifur, so if you ever decide to edit this story, please put more of these dwarves in.

A little note: Dwarves don't call Aule by his name, they call him Mahal (Maker). At least, that's what my research showed. There are also some good dwarfish sayings in Neo Khuzdul by David Salo if you're interested

Again, kudos on an amazing story.
McKeena chapter 10 . 8/1/2013
Your food porn is awesome. My mouth was watering through the whole thing. Ohhhhhhh, pumpkin cupcakes. Now I'm hungry...
McKeena chapter 9 . 8/1/2013
I love your realism with the illnesses. Even the diarrhea. I've had the flu before and it does NOT go away in less than a day and it's nasty and vomit-y and boogery and damn unpleasant. The end with Thorin smiling down at his little family was heartwarming.
McKeena chapter 7 . 8/1/2013
Oh, those naughty, naughty elves...

I love your characterization of Nori. He'd make a perfect spymaster for Erebor.
McKeena chapter 6 . 8/1/2013
I understand both sides here. Bilbo doesn't want to be treated like a weakling while Thorin just wants to protect him from the dangers and intrigue going on inside the mountain. But, of course, they're too stubborn to come to an immediate compromise. Typical. And it's nice to see that Bilbo has some strong backbone in this story. He did take on a dragon, you know?
McKeena chapter 5 . 8/1/2013
Frodo and Thorin are adorable together. And I agree, I can't picture either of them entering a relationship that their nephews didn't approve of. It'd be very out-of-character, especially for Bilbo. I don't think he ever had any romantic interests in the books at all.
McKeena chapter 3 . 8/1/2013
I loved Thorin's introduction here. It was just perfect for him. And Bofur's too cute. I want to hug him.
McKeena chapter 1 . 8/1/2013
I'm kind of reviewing some of your chapters backwards since I read through everything without stopping. It was just too addictive! I loved Frodo and Bilbo here. You kept them so in-character, along with the dwarves. They're just so damned adorable.
McKeena chapter 32 . 8/1/2013
This was one of the best stories I've ever read. I laughed, I cried, I yelled, and I rolled my eyes. The grammar and pacing was spot-on all the way through and the slow-build was perfect for Bilbo's relationship with Thorin. And the inclusion of the rest of the Company and Frodo was well-balanced and very appreciated. Too many stories just leave them out completely. Thank you so much for writing this. It eased my heart a bit for twhat's going to happen in the last Hobbit film.
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