Reviews for An Unexpected Addition
InsaneGrizzlies chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
There is a list of things my mind automatically forgets, and right at the top is the deaths of Fili and Kili. They've always been my favorites and so each time I read the book again I fall in love with them all over and then... yeah. Painful times. I just reread The Hobbit the other week before I saw the movie, so this fic is perfectly timed. ;)

Loving little Frodo meeting the outrageous dwarves! :D
prettygurl1993 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
I like it. The dwarves greeting Bilbo and Frodo was funny and Frodo's reactions were adorable.
HeyThere101 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Love it already. The idea has so much potential I simply can not wait to see where this leads to. The speed at which this first chapter is written is very well done, there is some back ground information, and meeting of the first few dwarves however, it isnt overwhelming, nor does it feel rushed. Eagerly awaiting the next chapter :)
KurisutheBoho chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Seems like a good start. i really want thorin to see bilbo and frodo!
HiddenByFaeries chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
If you need an invite, I have one for AO3 (took forEVER to receive too!).

But! I seriously cooed over this, baby!Frodo being raised by Bilbo and the Dwarves I love it! _
Pandorum21 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
This is great! Can't wait for the next update.
tvfiend87 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
loving this! please update soon! i can't wait to see daddy!thorin !
Hikilove chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
mmmm... I love it! please moreeeeeeeee!this is Thorin x bilbo right? with frodo acting as their child! kyaaaaaaa yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees! I need moreeeee!
Sheparrus chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
I love it! I really do. I think it is a fresh idea and I can't wait for Frodo to meet the other especially Thorin! Cannot wait for more!
LogicalBookThief chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Squee! Are you me? You must be me, since I've had an idea like this in my mind since I saw the movie! I'm so happy to see it written!

Also, I've read and loved all your Transformer fics, so I can't wait to see what you do with this fandom. Add more soon, please! (:
cara-tanaka chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
I like it. Update soon
flyingonfeaterlesswings chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Oh I'm gonna be checking on this one often.
kati chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
Awesome! And very sweet! I can't wait for more!
Rainsaber chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
You know, I wasn't sure about this when I saw it was a romance, but your writing style quickly dispelled my doubts. I'll be very interested to see what you do with the romance part of this story and this is an excellent first chapter. It sets things up very nicely and I'm eager for more. I think it's a great idea to throw a little Frodo into the mix (I've been working on one myself where Frodo is much younger at one point and...well, more or less not a principle character, but an important absent one if that makes any sense). It allows for a lot of great opportunities with him as a young child in this alternate universe of yours where he can spend his youth here, and I suspect maybe do a little healing from his trials in the Shire with his parents deaths and all. I have a sneaking suspicion he and Fili and Kili will get along very well in some mischievous adventures .

Just a couple of things come to mind I suppose. Does the ring have anything to do with the story? Will we be seeing any of Gandalf? And since they've been on the road for about a year I assume they would have stayed in Rivendell for a while, yes? I wonder how Frodo would have taken to the elves and how he might, or if he does, see any differences with the dwarves and the way they live? Thorin in the next chapter? I wonder which one of our dwarves missed Bilbo the most-though I suspect I can already guess as to the answer ;). I'm just eager to read more already so please do continue this! It's great so far! You've done a great job with the characters. I like the premise of them choosing to live with the dwarves in Erebor and I'm also eager to see you expand a bit more on that too. You got my curiosity spiked when Frodo mentioned the mines, and even when he got excited about meeting a king.

This exchange here: ""I'm the only hobbit you know," corrected Bilbo. "Not a very impressive record, if you ask me." Nori looked scandalized. "I'm friends with young Mister Frodo here, and he's the finest hobbit of them all. I think that's a pretty impressive track record, considering what a fine young hobbit this boy is."" This put a smile on my face. So cute! And witty too!

There's a lot to explore here with character relationships and all, and also the natures of the romance you've got planned (whether it's new now or something that's already been started prior to the beginning of this particular story), the new situation Bilbo's in being a parent, and Frodo's too, being an orphan of course but also getting a chance to expand his horizons at a young age a sense get to live some of the fairytales he talked about. Speaking of which, how old is Frodo here? I may have missed that. Sorry for rambling, but awesome story and can't wait for the next chapter :)!
ScienceExperiment5150 chapter 1 . 12/20/2012
- is snickering- Poor Kili, gotta love Frodo!
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