Reviews for Incoming Messages
MV23 chapter 17 . 5/31
I havent smiled this much reading a story in a LONG time. Bravo. Thank you for this story
Rabbitfaster chapter 17 . 2/5
This was quite wonderful and for anyone who scans the comments to decide if they should or should not read; this was well worth the time.

The dialogue is wonderfully characteristic and my god the sass between SQ is an absolute and recurring highlight of the entire fiction.

Sometimes in worlds like these it can be difficult to balance Slice of Life with the more fanastical elements, but our author here placed us comfortably in a spot where, at the time this was written, things were not so complex in Storybrooke as they became in later seasons.

It was quite an interesting snapshot to realize via the AN that this was being posted to this site while season 2 was in full swing. What a time capsule that felt like after recently rewatching the entire series aside from the final season.

Absolutely great work.
maisma51 chapter 17 . 10/7/2023
I quite enjoyed thatThat was very good, thank you for sharing it.
Amelia Louisa chapter 17 . 3/31/2023
really enjoyed this it was such a fun read, thanks so much for sharing it with us x
Terri411 chapter 17 . 2/5/2022
Excellent chapters, outstanding writing, so loved your wonderful fanfiction, and so looking forward to more of your sweet work, thank you and HAPPY WRITING ! :-)))))))))))))))))))))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo...
Natira chapter 17 . 12/29/2021
Wonderful story! Thank you for making my day a little brighter.

I just feel like their first kiss after the “I love you’s” should have broken the curse.
jasouatfan chapter 17 . 12/5/2021
Such a creative proposal
BellaBerry12 chapter 15 . 9/9/2021
so good
BellaBerry12 chapter 7 . 9/9/2021
AAAAA NO EMMA DONT DO IT JUST BURN THE PHONE AND PRETEND IT NVR HAPPENED XD I'd be wayyy to scared u literally catfished her I'd freak if I had to confess
liltomboi chapter 17 . 3/22/2021
This was good! I loved this story!
Guest chapter 17 . 10/26/2020
Truly the best fanfic ever.
Blank2020Red chapter 17 . 10/11/2020
Such a great story!
Irah Scarlet chapter 17 . 8/19/2020
Smooth Mary Margaret, real smooth
Irah Scarlet chapter 17 . 8/10/2020
Smooth Mary Margaret, real smooth
pantheradraconis chapter 17 . 6/12/2020
That request for a promotion was an absolute win. Excellent job carrying the same jokes throughout and showing a great relationship. Thanks for the story!
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