Reviews for Post Possum
MsChrisAnn chapter 1 . 9/19/2020
Such great dialogue here. Lee and Amanda sound like Lee and Amanda. “We got the bad guys again, you and me.” And "I guess we wouldn't have had much time to regret our mistake.” And "Oh, you know, saving the world, it's all just in a day's work for me now!" and "'What if' are two of the scariest words in this business, you know."
Bee Juice chapter 1 . 12/26/2019
Another beautifully written story that should have been part of tag for that episode! I loved it!
Terry Kay chapter 1 . 7/12/2009
Ooh, just about as close to perfect as anyone could get! Thank you!
Laura16 chapter 1 . 10/27/2002
Good characterization, enjoyable filler.
Lattelady chapter 1 . 8/14/2002
Wonderful story. Very Lee and Amanda! I don't think I'll be ableto watch that particular episode with out thinking of your addition. Please write more.
Momm2five chapter 1 . 8/7/2002

after all, they had just been through a very stressful situation, and a little bonding, as it were, was not a bad thing.

Nope! Not a bad thing at all! LOL! Wow, they were so close! This was a very cute little filler. Loved it. I like the variation on *It was just business*, too.

Sorry it took me so long to review. I read it a few days ago but catching up with everything after being on vacation is a chore!

Can't wait for another story from you!
obsidianj chapter 1 . 8/2/2002
What a cute little scene. I think you nailed the characters, especially Amanda's way of speaking. They are both in denial of the same thing, indeed.
Dottie chapter 1 . 8/2/2002
Cute, cute, cute! I enjoyed this very much! You know, with all the near misses they had (almost being killed), a scene like this was bound to happen some time or another. I also think that their feeling for one another started to show gradually during season 2, with a look here, and an understanding glance there. You've captured it all very well. Thanks for sharing!
Mindy Lane chapter 1 . 8/1/2002
Very sweet, and very plausible (and great timing since PAX aired this episode today!) Your last line says so much about the relationship between the two at this point.