Reviews for Long Distance
PaolaPaipa chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
You got me with "I'll email you later" and then you finish me with "I'm here, Mimi" OH GOD why did you do this to my heart, I'm crying no joke, it was so cute and fluffly and perfect, why didnt this happend to me when I moved? I need more, pretty please.
John Smith chapter 1 . 8/13/2015
This is absolutely great! I love how well you portrayed the characters. Mimi is honest as per usual. She's also so very, very sensitive in a charming and endearing way. You write her little nuances so well. I could imagine her hugging a pillow to her chest, standing with her head down and tears in her eyes, all of it. The way she tried to etch Izzy's face into her memory at the end was one of the most adorable things I've read. Really, really love it.

Izzy is a whole other story. You handled him brilliantly, pun not intended. He's so well depicted here that I don't know where to start. These two are my favorite Digidestined, but Izzy takes the lead by a small amount because I just love his little quirks. I love how you honed in on his eyebrows. This is SO TRUE to the show(s)! He's so very expressive with his eyebrows that I could see all of his expressions. The way you wrote his dialogue was similarly so in-character that it felt like the show itself. His voice was in my head as I read it. xD

I think what really did it, though, was his reasoning and the overall behavior. One thing I love about this fanfiction is that it showcases what makes this ship so incredibly perfect (in my opinion). Izzy is so inexperienced with people, partially because he just didn't spend enough time with them growing up, partially because he feels a bit underconfident about interactions, and partially because he just doesn't think the same way as other people do. It's this last one that really shines, and he even expresses that himself to Mimi. What makes the ship so good though is that he really needs someone who guides him in the right direction. I don't really see any of the other characters providing the kind of nudge that Mimi does. She's very loving and compassionate, but above that she's sensitive, needy, and genuine. She has the perfect traits for someone who is learning how to open up - and a need for the openness that Izzy is working on.

It's so great that you showed that he had flawless logic behind how. You also showed that he understood she was upset, but he didn't really understand why. It was like you created this perfect character arc for him, showing how he was able to learn, through Mimi, how to look at the issue from a different perspective - and how to EXPECT different perspectives a little more readily. (As a side note, the fact that he thought she'd just "get it" is too cute. He really had faith in their connection, even if he missed out on her side of things.

Mimi also got this arc. She was feeling rejected and letting a little bit of insincerity creep into her life by not just telling him up-front what was wrong. This certainly is still in-character; she tends to blurt out her first thoughts rather than form her words very well, doesn't she? It was just great how you showed her coming to terms with her feelings for him through the boys, of all people. That was handled SO well. Izzy doesn't strike me as the type to be "one of the boys," so it worked especially well - I'm sure they felt just as helpless as Mimi did.

Ah, thank you for writing this. You delicately handled my favorite characters and gave us a sweet, beautiful story with character growth as well. If only all stories could be like this!
panda123love chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
awww that was absolutely beautiful and I think I might cry soon! I loved it so much
Ajir chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
It's so lovely! You handled their characters so well 3
I hope for more Koumi from you!
Sally White chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
*gross sobbing because OMG this is perfect* chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
I started tearing when she left, then at your last line I started smiling like an idiot as goosebumps ran down my arms. You're a brilliant writer! i could feel and understand what they were going through, and your language use is gorgeous. I really love this story, so no, you didn't do a crap job. You did a wonderful job in fact (: (: (:
ClamorousChowder chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
This was so cute! I love the style of your writing, too!
I find your vocabulary impressive- it made me hit the dictionary a couple times!
For me, its difficult to find such well-written stories here!
Thanks for writing!
Daijusan Ferikkusu chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
*Smug smile* this was written wonderfully. I couldn't ask for a better version of this story. Short, but robust. I like it!
videogamenerd101 chapter 1 . 1/18/2013
Aww... wasn't this cute. :)

First of all, I want to start that I found this story really sweet and adorable, although I do want to mention that I felt like the party that Mimi threw at the beginning of this story was a bit rushed. I would've liked to see more detail there, especially regarding Mimi's emotions. I can tell that you did describe them, but it would've been nicer if you went more in depth with them. Also, the transition from that party to the scene where all the boys but Izzy were in Mimi's living room was rushed as well. It took me a minute to realize that it was already the next day. I found it confusing, to tell the truth. :/ I also noticed that you didn't capitalize Digidestined somewhere in the beginning, but I don't think it should really bother anyone. :)

Now... this was a simple but nice plot, and I liked it! At first I thought that Izzy was a jerk at the beginning, but then when he explained it all to Mimi, I understood. I mean, it just seems so logical, especially coming from such a logical person like Izzy. And when Mimi and Izzy exchanged those whispers... that was so cute! I really liked how Tai was hinting that Mimi likes Izzy and vice versa, and the ending was what really got me. You kept all the characters ic, especially Mimi in that scene when Mimi accidentally blurted out that she likes Izzy.

So overall, good job! It was a nice read. Your details were solid, and there was a nice use of vocabulary here and there, especially with Izzy's dialogue. :)

Keep writing!
SJC-Caron chapter 1 . 1/10/2013
This fanfic is a strong example of relatively accurate character portrayal. Just the the right length for the plot and to show the reactions of all the main human characters from the series (the digimons' reactions Mimi's news is the only thing missing, but I get that the DigiDestined did not have frequent contact with them at the point in time this fanfic occurs). I would give this fanfic an A.
Celtie chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Hey, CelticMagic here (I was too lazy to sign in). I died after reading this story; Koumi is my drug! There aren't many Koumi stories out recently, and it makes me so happy to see one, especially when it's as good as this story.
Soooo favoriting next time I log in.
Koumi-Loc chapter 1 . 1/9/2013
Nic3e Koumi fic me loves Koumi since I first watch digimon in 98, ever-since then we Koumi Fans com along way since then! Koumi Out I would love to request a Sokeru/Ioryako with just a hint of Koumi... Now that is how you Support and Loved Sora...
Elite Beauty chapter 1 . 1/8/2013
I love this one-shot! :)

You captured their personalities and characterizations perfectly! Izzy and Mimi were both portrayed really well, great job with that.

And...I guess their relationship just escalated from there didn't it? Haha, I love how you first started with Mimi's announcement of moving to New York and her feelings. The part about her and Izzy being her date to the Homecoming Dance was funny.

Each of their sides and their thoughts on her moving were really well done. I liked the fact that you showed that Mimi did care what Izzy thought and also showed Izzy's feelings about her move. He's reluctant to show that he cares, but it's in the ways that he does that make this couple so awesome. It's great and well written Koumi stories like this that I love. This is why I love Koumi!

Thank you so much for writing this by the way! You're an awesome and very talented writer! :)