Reviews for Halkegenia Online
Storyweaver1 chapter 63 . 9/4/2018
That's quite the cliffhanger. Karin is going to need those Fae Potions.

Bombing and commando ant-air raids were all great. Poor Samuel was front row for a Mook Horror Show At least he lived through it.

Heavy Wind is awesome.
KiroZen chapter 1 . 9/6/2018
Story Weaver1 chapter 62 . 9/4/2018
As soon as Miller started thinking about starting a family, I thought a Kurotaka would stab him in the back. what you did was funnier.

Karin is an unexpected source of humor. The frustration she feels at Kurotaka's milidly-military mercenary manners, for instance.

The drama and tension was well done too.
Story Weaver1 chapter 61 . 8/31/2018
I like Morigana more every time I see her. She is becoming quite the nuanced character. Drake is a great foil for her.

Captain Thorn's scene was fun. That look inside his mind and his hypothetical plans was both funny and touching; his great respect for Wales has nothing to do with him being a prince.

It's nice to see Klein get some spotlight and a cool-moment. It also looks like he has an admirer.

Kirche advising Leafa on how to braid Yui's hair...That's too adorable.
Storyweaver1 chapter 60 . 8/15/2018
Even if King James is clear in his dislike of Fae, at least he forces the effort to make his words somewhat polite. Teeth Clenched Teamwork.

An awesome point for Guiche. That's nice.

I'm getting the sense that Morigana got into a lot of fights back on Earth. Maybe even lethal-child-soldier-stuff. I'm looking forward to that. The whole scene with her shifting from that Serious-Stoic thing to the Cocky-Big-Sister type was also great.
" overpowered piece of fanservice!" HAHAHAAHA! That has to be the funniest part of this fic for me. Her response makes it even better.
You even tie it into the Becoming The Mask and serious identity dissociation stuff, which, by itself, is well done. Sakuya does seem to enjoy role playing a noblewoman, even though she effectively is one for real.
icedshadows chapter 1 . 8/16/2018
I just realize... if it became realty... why they don't make guns?
Story Weaver1 chapter 59 . 8/13/2018
Lots of stuff to like about this chapter
- Gramont's chivalric perversion
- Karin's hypocritical humor (or drama) about Gramont lacking faith in his youngest child. Their exchanges in general
- The intriguing plan of madness, and its "selective poaching".
- Karin returning to the war room to find it mostly empty.
Story Weaver1 chapter 58 . 8/9/2018
So the treaty is done and the mutual defense parts will immediately become relevant. Soldier is a different thing from mob patrol but it has the same basic purpose. I know you will do a great job fleshing that point out.

Spreading a story that Asuna, A.K.A. Queen of the Fae, giving Wales the potion was an inspired idea. I very much enjoyed his "reports of demise have been greatly exaggerated" sense and taunts.
Story Weaver1 chapter 57 . 8/7/2018
A spotlight for Henrietta, how nice. It is not often we see the girl behind the queenly mask in canon. This is well done. It makes me wamt to be like Sakuya and comfort her.

The glimpse into the political stuff was fun.
Story Weaver1 chapter 56 . 8/7/2018
This is going to be relevant in the next arc, isn't it? Just like the monster data for the Tarbes arc. it is interesting.
Story Weaver1 chapter 55 . 7/25/2018
The first one went over my head but the second one is both funny and brilliant. I hope it becomes canon. Then there's the Disney Mulan reference. Most of all, the final one. That is great. A distant look into a possible future; it is warm and sweet and full, kind of like a real bedtime story. Oh the hints..._
Story Weaver1 chapter 54 . 7/24/2018
Well done on the battle, both the introduction and its follow-through.

Is Saitou shipping his grand-daughter with her bait boy? How cute.

The shift of perspective was unexpected but I like it. To see how Arrun looks in the eyes of a bright it is in contrast to even a capital city. it is a poignant contrast.

Funny ending.
Story Weaver1 chapter 53 . 7/17/2018
A practical fountain of youth; that must have been an odd experience. He looks, and basically is, as young as his grand-daughter. it's interesting concept and well-executed here. To go from old and infirm to young and flight capable must have been an amazing sensation.

This Saito sounds like a cool old guy and Eterne like a cute and plucky girl.

It looks like Recon is wrapped around another girl's finger. I imagine that is a relief for Leafa.
Story Weaver1 chapter 52 . 7/13/2018
A sweet moment for Kirito and Asuna; light and cute and sweet. The perfect follow up for their harrowing reunion.

Dunwell's flashback makes sense given other information available. No wonder he turned.

Asuna cooking and Kirito waiting eagerly; what a pleasant image.

I had a feeling those resurrection potions Kirito mentioned would come in handy. That was a tense scene.
Kudos for Caramella for punching that useless king.
Storyweaver1 chapter 51 . 7/10/2018
It happened! It finally happened, and it was awesome! It was heartwarming and it was funny. All over, well done on a climatic and plot significant reunion of Kirito and Asuna.

Wow, that night of running sounded like a waking nightmare. A real sense of desperation and encroaching despair, but also Asuna's determination.

I like how this is framed as Kirito coming to the aid of an ally rather than rescuing a damsel. It is more fitting for this couple.

It's good to see that Asuna got the better of Dunwell this time. That was an awesome sequence.

And so the plot advances two steps forward and one back. I've heard of this structurally but make progression natural.

"And the yuri" HA!
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