Reviews for Paths of Peril
KnightQueen chapter 16 . 1/18/2018
Without the other parts of the story, I'm particularly left feeling cold toward this story, but I'm not exactly sure I would want to read the other parts either. For the most part, I'm not exactly endeared to Eledwhen/Boromir. His love interest appears so little in the story, I'm not sure why I'm supposed to root for Boromir to get back to her as soon as he possibly can, and moreover, she just seems to be present merely to be pregnant, fuss over Boromir's absence and not much else. Then there's the matter of everyone referring to Eledwhen as a "girl"; it gives me (as a reader) the impression that Boromir has lit. decided to sleep with someone who hasn't reached adulthood yet.

The one thing that probably bothers me the most about this story's plot is Denethor's subplot. It kinda borders on barmy when reading accounts that he tortured Theodred, nearly broke the alliance with Rohan, and then sexually assaulted his son's love interest. Even without the context of the first fic, that is perhaps one of the more "out-of-character" plot devices I've seen used on Denethor in a Boromir (or Faramir) fanfiction (even with the excuse that he was being controlled by dark forces), and I've read a few. It was pretty distracting and honestly made it hard to enjoy the story.

Boromir for the most part, when it doesn't concern his legitimate ire toward Aragorn and his sudden want for Gondor's throne, spends most of his time in the narrative being entirely too belligerent and overly-aggressive for me to buy that anyone would want him among the Fellowship (or among them in general), despite the fact that it's simply something that happens in the books, and that's probably why it occurred in the fic.

Aragorn treats Boromir with suspicion, aware of how the Ring is affecting him, and behaves as though this is somehow the fault of Boromir. But, instead of allowing Boromir to go his own way when he learns his wife is sick and needs him, Arwen and Aragorn decide to badger him into the line of fire for their own personal agendas at the expense of his person. It's just hard to buy that Boromir would concede to their wants instead of taking his leave as soon as possible.

The final chapter of your story hinted at a Haldir/Eledwhen/Boromir love-triangle what with talk of Haldir's feelings for Eledwhen, and even without said story being present to read, that sounds exasperating (as someone who doesn't like love triangles). Gimli and Legolas are barely in this story, so the summary itself is rather misleading.

That aside, the language of the story isn't bad. You manage to mimic the language from the LOTR books a decent amount (albeit with an over-reliance on "Nay", which is a reoccurring theme in most LOTR fic). Some of the creative twists in the tale when getting Boromir to Rivendell and then he spends his time there were certainly the highlight of the story, with the exception that maybe he spent too much time getting kicked around.
Dunthonwen chapter 16 . 8/10/2004
Yay! I go see the next story! Wonderful job! For now. -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 15 . 8/10/2004
YAY! *I'm reading again, obviously* But great chapter. I go to read more! TTYS! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 14 . 7/6/2004
Yet again, I hope that all goes well, and the travels do not take too harsh a toll. It is 2:00. Now I am really not sure if I will continue to read or not. Heh. But watch, I will. I guess it has been depending on the length of the chapter. Great job. Keep it up. Off I go then. TTFN.

Dunthonwen chapter 13 . 7/5/2004
Goodness I am glad I am not Eowyn. Hm... read more? I shall see. Good job! TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 12 . 7/5/2004
Oy! MUST... READ... AH! And I'm tired too! ah!-Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 11 . 7/5/2004
I know that Boromir screws up. But I hope he doesn't screw up too bad. That would be bad. Is his 'Son'(?) going to be fatherless? I shall have to wait and find out. Off I go.. to read more or to go to sleep I am not sure of yet. (Like most other nights...) heh heh. Gotta love me. :D TTFN. -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 10 . 7/5/2004
OOh... creepy no good. Now he knows.. but will he ever accept? hmm... We shall see. Off I go! Bro haa haa... byebye. -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 9 . 7/4/2004
Very well done. Good descriptions. Also, very well done in portraying... all the characters really. In this chapter: Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen. But you do so well all around. Keep it up. I read more. This only took me 10 minutes. TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 8 . 7/4/2004
Oh! Hidden meanings. Great chapter! Hee hee. I'm okay. I read on! I see how much I can read in 40 minutes... because I want to see the next episode of Angel that is on at 1:00. Hee. To bed late again I am going to be huh? :) Gotta love the quiet. Anywho- TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 7 . 7/2/2004
Boromir really should watch himself. He could truly offend some people. Heh. Great chapter! keep it up! I said I was going to go to bed. Now I really should. Hee hee. Bad Britsy. *Cowers* Hm... Tomorrow is another day to read right! Right. TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 6 . 7/2/2004
Heirs! AH! Just kidding. I do not even know what that was all about. I think it really is sleepy time... even though I am not all that tired... and I really want to keep reading. Aw, well. Tomorrow is another day. Would you rather I keep reviewing every chapter.. or would you rather I read them all and then say something at the end... or would you rather I not review at all. Just wondering. I do not know how you would be to tell me the answer to my question anyway. Oh well. To sleep I go. For I find that I am actually a bit on the sleepy side... Great chapter by the way. Keep writing all of your stories.. Nice job on all that I have read so far. I wish I could write that well... Happy 4th of July! (In two days..) And really 2 and a half years after you posted the last chapter to this story.. but anyway. Happy 4th of July, 2004! Hahaha. *Party* **Blows horn and toots wistle...** Confetti! Anywho- TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 5 . 7/2/2004
Oh ho. Denethor is not quite the smartest of cookies. Hm... I wonder what he will end up following and believing in the end. Isn't it sad that he had to be such a terrible person in the end.. well.. in life in general? Some people are just like that though. Sad. Sick Sad World. Lol. Gotta love Daria. Anywho- Off I go... either to read more or to go to sleep, not sure yet. Keep it up, great chapter, I will keep reading! TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 4 . 7/2/2004
hehe. At least Haldir was there to help. That is very good. Or, I really do think that Boromir would now be in the afterlife. But that would be sad if the child didn't have a father. I would cry if I didn't have a father. Honestly. The child would not understand nor, really care when they are little, because they are litte... but when they get older... that would be so hard to comprehend. Wow. *Bad spelling* Anywho- Great chapter. Keep it all up. I'll keep reading. Good goin'! TTFN! -Dunthonwen
Dunthonwen chapter 3 . 7/1/2004
*hopes it's a dream too* heh. I'm reading again! :D Yay! Good for me! heh heh. Very Good chapter. Keep writing and keep updating... other stories. heh. I'll keep reading when I get to the newer ones! :D Promise. But now I have to go wash dishes and water flowers so I will continue to read later. Keep it up. TTFN! -Dunthonwen
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