Reviews for Fifty Shades: Unfinished Love
nespressox28 chapter 14 . 11/14/2024
I really loved this chapter! In the FSOG books, I always wondered why we didn't get to know more about Ana's past—her eating issues, what happened to Carla, and Ray's role in her life. I also wish E.L. James had explained why Ana had no sexual experience after four years of college, except for a kiss with some guy in her biology class. But you did a great job of explaining all these blurred lines by going into detail about her past. It's very much in line with E.L. James's storyline in my opinion.
joan.goldman.9 chapter 30 . 4/22/2024
This is such a great story. I hope you return one day and continue it.
Guest chapter 28 . 2/16/2024
I love this idea
Ms MMS chapter 30 . 8/4/2023
I just found this story and it is just so wonderful that I’m devastated that you haven’t updated since 2015. I’m hoping that your real life just got so busy that you have put it on the back burner rather than to abandon it.

You’re Christian and Anna are both so much richer and more in depth than so many stories. I’m so rooting for them to work things out. Please consider finishing this lovely story.
kms24 chapter 30 . 7/4/2023
I wish you would come back to this story, it’s so good and I want to know what happens next!
Lulu chapter 30 . 12/31/2022
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I was going to start this story but I was confused, is it finished? Thank You for all your hard work. Happy New Year.
Clarigirl10 chapter 30 . 8/30/2022
I wish you would finish this story, but I imagine too much time has passed.
PleasingJenny chapter 30 . 2/27/2022
Nice book but since it's five years old I don't think it Will finish. ! That's A shame...
PleasingJenny chapter 16 . 2/23/2022
Christian sometimes is such A puss! He needs to grow bigger ball's ! Such A coward...
PleasingJenny chapter 11 . 2/22/2022
In hopes everyone will come together now!
PleasingJenny chapter 1 . 2/20/2022
I love this Ana ! She has spunk and Ana is fun ! chapter 6 . 2/21/2022
I love the writing and the back and fourth . Great F-in story chapter 4 . 2/21/2022
Nice So nice its what dreams are mad of chapter 3 . 2/20/2022
I love love this but sooner or later Puss boy will bring up his crap ! Its a shame they can skip crap story part. This is fun to read !
shellz71 chapter 30 . 4/13/2021
please update soon its great story is there a HEA
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