Reviews for Fifty Shades Of A Different Colour
Guest chapter 58 . 12/31/2023
Gail was about to leave
Christian may not open the email
Gia better change her name
The wrath of Christian Grey will be felt

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 57 . 12/31/2023
Keep him away from the clubs

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 56 . 12/31/2023
It's far from over

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 55 . 12/31/2023
Will Christian say something that he can't take back?

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 54 . 12/31/2023
Don't go to a club and fuck everything up

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 53 . 12/30/2023
Always assume the worst about a woman. If you get accused of it enough, YOU WILL DO IT EVENTUALLY

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 52 . 12/30/2023
She took ALL of his baggage, but she's
always to blame or wrong...narcissist

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 51 . 12/30/2023
Sawyer is going to beat the fuck out of him and so is Christian

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 50 . 12/30/2023
They're going to New York on Friday, so i0s Kate 0planning the wedding in 2 days?

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 49 . 12/30/2023
What a way to go Christian, you almost lost a girlfriend and an employee...

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 48 . 12/30/2023
He lost his shit over self defense

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 47 . 12/30/2023
His demons may have only begin to surface, now that Elena is exposed

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 46 . 12/30/2023
The calm before the storm

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 45 . 12/30/2023
Gia talks to Elena and then wants Ana to work on a major project that I am sure will get Ana kidnapped

Helen M Orcutt
Guest chapter 44 . 12/30/2023
To have sex like that once

Helen M Orcutt
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