Reviews for Wizard Runemaster
purrfus chapter 1 . 12/1
Fun. Thanks
Koldbones chapter 16 . 11/18
damn this is a good chapter. Just make sure you have kleenex on hand.
ItzJoe chapter 7 . 11/9
i wish there was a warning about the poor smut scenes, last 2 or 3 chapters has smut, YAWN BORING!
AnthonyR89 chapter 17 . 10/16
...pretty sure that it isn't regicide if it isn't your king. and jaina is an independent ruler.
AnthonyR89 chapter 15 . 10/15
re-reading this. and yeah, the fight against the chief lich whose name I'm not going to try to spell was kind of anticlimactic.
Magically Insane chapter 19 . 9/13
It was good, but you really need to put that the sequel is abandoned/on hiatus in the description.
pincho chapter 17 . 8/16
The veela only need one baby each from Harry and Neville, then they have more than enough redundancy for those kids to find permanent mates for bio diversity.
pincho chapter 16 . 8/16
Wish we knew how Sirius died and Hermione for that matter. Two people who until he disappeared always had his back unconditionally.
pincho chapter 16 . 8/16
Touching chapter, unfortunately the relationships with Tonks and bones make no sense. Canon up till 4th year in the story means Susan would never have talked to Harry as she was one of his major detractors in both 2nd and 4th year. Tonks met Lupin and fell for him before ever meeting Harry, but it is much easier to see her not falling for him and meeting Harry years later. Better girls or at least an OC instead of Susan could have been chosen for such a background role and no one would blink twice about it.
pincho chapter 2 . 8/13
So I find that the summary only matches 1% of the story...Harry is in a new world.
pincho chapter 1 . 8/13
Love the first chappy, my only sadness is, what happened to Hermione? Did she die, turn on him, or was she the first he dated that was killed by voldy? After all, it was stated that Dumbledore killed Susan and Nimy
Re chapter 1 . 8/11
It’s because Vikrant fics are complete AI “works”
They barely edit out the evidence paragraph to paragraph
Expecting any consistency or logic is like demanding the proverbial one million typewriters come with spellcheck
Or the one million monkeys pay closer attention to detail
Guest chapter 17 . 6/29
I also suppose there's no cheating death and using the stone to call on Susan and Tonks as well as Hermione and Luna and remaking them into new bodies possibly like is being done with/for the Forsaken.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/29
This is a really good story. I think the only real complaint I can come up with besides wishing Hermione and Luna were part of it is the depressingly low number of the survivors. Not sure they can continue with those numbers except MAYBE the Veela and obviously the Goblins. 23 though. Thats..

Doubtful on the House Elves too unless they have his own message all the others that when their binders get offed to come to a hidden portal that will let them come over and kill any non house elf that tries to go through. Or otherwise message.
Guest chapter 10 . 6/28
And everyone is too shocked to ask the question they all no doubt would've immediately asked otherwise. Why the shit didn't you just cast that in the first place and kill him?
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