Reviews for The Dragon and the Bow
midnightgamin chapter 21 . 6/2/2015
There's dragon training with actual dragon injuries! Awesome
midnightgamin chapter 7 . 5/29/2015
Ugh. Astrid's such a bitch, even in the movies and the series, but considering her backstory in this one she has the right to be.
sierra.steinbrecher chapter 11 . 5/26/2015
I get what Hilde called Hiccup, but what did she call Fishlegs and Merida?
sierra.steinbrecher chapter 8 . 5/26/2015
Are we going to get jack in the story too? And I loved Hiccup's blowup at Snotlout, especially the hammer strikes. I find it very funny that he tried to pull the status card with Gobber right after he beat up the cheif's son.
sierra.steinbrecher chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Sometimes the accent is so heavy, I can't understand what they're saying.
Alexander J.R chapter 37 . 5/20/2015
Chapter 36 and 37 is one of my favorites it reminds me of the battle five armies only this time it's a the battle of four armies you have Vendal, Viking Highlander and Dragon. You my friend you are quite amazing keep up the good work never stop what you're doing.
Drunken Hamster chapter 40 . 5/11/2015
Read the whole thing in a day. Frickin awesome. Can't wait for any sequels.

Going in my favs and follows bruh.

therobotfangirl chapter 40 . 5/9/2015
This is amazing, I really love the plot, I gave up on this ship for awhile, but after I read this I fell inlove with this ship all over again!
therobotfangirl chapter 35 . 5/9/2015
Ok this is like been done for ages but it doesnt prevent me from guessing the ansestor- right? Well I think its Thor, but I never checked the other chapters if you ever revealed the answer, but I'm just guessing :D
Jack Chatfield chapter 21 . 5/3/2015
Very exciting and eye-catching.
chemiczen chapter 2 . 4/29/2015
I'd really like to read this, but I don't understand what they're saying at all.

SpiceyChelle chapter 40 . 4/8/2015
Why are you so amazing. Like this was so perfect. I've been reading Elsa and jack fanfics and they kinda brushed on Merida and hiccup, but I wanted more, and this was like perf. You combined everything beautifully, and you have a great way of writing. #restNpeaceAngus
Sir Ackbar chapter 40 . 3/13/2015
I was very hesitant when I read the description. I don't normally read Fanfictions that take place during the Movie. I like the character going through their own challenges. Just my personal choice, most of the stories I read take places after the events of said movie. That being said... Your story was the exception to this. Like I said I want the character to go through their own trials as they did. That's how they grow because they did it on their own. However, you wrote this so well that, I didn't care. I was invested, I was reading at work( planning on rereading this), and it was just a fun story. The supporting characters were also well done. They did their jobs. Some of my favorite moments were when you added the scene where they cut Hiccups leg off and the days he was unconscious. That added so much weight to his injury and I would have loved to see that in the movie(Though I understand why it was not for it is a kids movie and we are also following Hiccup on his journey. It would take away from the movie if we suddenly switched gears and went to someone else's perspective). So you had the advantage at this since it is a written story and I'm glad you used it. I cannot express enough how much I loved those two scenes. I'm happy that you're continuing the story I will keep reading as long as you post. Keep up the great work.
s3xyBATbaby chapter 16 . 3/6/2015
I just realised that all three names Hilde had given them are very close to my own language! Jager, wich obviously means hunter, is Jagter in Afrikaans. So, then I would guess Lesser, wich is Leser, means reader and Reiter, wich is Ruiter, means rider? By the way, awesome story, I love it!
A.J.R chapter 40 . 2/24/2015
You my friend you should be proud of your work you and your ideas and imagination mixing two people from different worlds but in truth between Hiccup and Merida they are the same they want to change there fate in doing so to show others being different and changing thing is good and showed there parents the right way of the right path. And that's all I have to say about that.
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