Reviews for The Dragon and the Bow
iamlongstockings chapter 7 . 2/13/2020
Ahhhh, so THAT'S why Astrid is being so overtly aggressive towards Merida, and I guess she sort of sees Hiccup as an accomplice, even though he wasn't cooperating by choice but by understanding the needs of his people. Although I am still a little surprised she seemed to be letting Snotlout lead the Viking kids; I guess her grief is making her more open to Snotlout as a leader instead of a pest.

Really interesting chapter, and I'm curious where things will go from here. It's a shame that Merida had such a negative reaction to Hiccup and can't see that he's genuinely trying to get to know her a bit better to make their lives a bit easier.

I am surprised that Merida's family left her to fend for herself entirely and didn't even send a lady in waiting to watch over her as some sort of chaperone. Not that she'd take any notice of a chaperone, if she did have one.

Looking forward to reading what's next. Great chapter and may the muses be with you.
iamlongstockings chapter 6 . 2/11/2020
So a lot has happened in this story since my last review. Gosh, you do not hold back on diving into the action - and we're only six chapters in - of forty! I can't wait to see what sort of things unfold from here. The Vendels are an interesting addition, and I really enjoyed the backstory you gave the Vikings, with their lands having previously been united. Something tells me that a renaissance may come about under the leadership of Chief Hiccup and Queen Merida one day.

Speaking of Mer, does she ever have a temper on her. I feel bad for her families - both her birth family and her new family - for being on the receiving end of a tantrum. Poor Elinor especially. I fear Mer may come to regret all she's said, because I highly suspect that Mor'du is luring them into a trap - my guess is that his ships will be waiting for the Highlanders, and there will be a shipwreck in their future.

And I know this isn't even a quarter of the way through an epic story that you finished writing nearly six years ago, so it's probably not even close to reflective of your current writing abilities, but I have a couple of notes just in case. The Scottish accents are still a little extreme, and it's bogging down the flow of the dialogue having to translate it in every sentence, but that's an easy fix.

Also, the huge blocks of descriptions of characters appearances are a little heavy and definitely bog down the action as well. I find that unless it's something important or especially noteworthy to the narrator, it's probably okay to skim down on description. Especially since we already know what a lot of these characters look like because they're straight out of the canon.

I feel like your portrayal of Snotlout was really great, but I struggled a little with how blatantly aggressive Astrid was towards both Hiccup and Merida. I'm used to her being aloof and cold, and being more so averse to wasting her time and energy acknowledging Hiccup's existence, than going out of her way to act as an aggressor like Snotlout would. But I definitely think that Merida could push her buttons. I hope the gang is able to gain some respect for Hiccup and Merida soon; I really love the group dynamic and I'll be disappointed if it doesn't end up playing out. The friendships you established between Mer and the young Lords were wonderful, and it'd be a shame if Hiccup didn't also get the chance to develop those same the other Viking kids.

I'm really curious what it is that drew Mor'du's attention in the middle of the battle, and what he's going after, and I can't wait to read where things go from here. Great job, and may the muses be with you.
Guest chapter 40 . 2/10/2020
Good story, thank you so much!
Guest chapter 15 . 2/9/2020
I like your version of the first dragon training session. Well done!
iamlongstockings chapter 2 . 2/4/2020
I'm really glad you decided to tone down the Scottish accents in this chapter, they were a little heavy. But they seem pretty good now. Love this premise so far, and really excited to see where this story goes.
Nighlocktheawesome00 chapter 40 . 1/31/2020
Now this story is the perfect example of a perfect sequel.
Nighlocktheawesome00 chapter 33 . 1/31/2020
"It's so good to see you again, Mother"

Did not... See that coming...
LamentableWoes chapter 35 . 1/1/2020
Okay, these songs that you pick out are so beautifully worded, do you write them yourself or are they actual songs?
Nighlocktheawesome00 chapter 17 . 11/17/2019
I forgot how much I loved Gothi.
Multiple-Characters1-Acct chapter 40 . 9/23/2019
Ooooo... Definitely one of your good ones. I'm going to see if I can find the sequel. Keep up the good writing.
STARFIREPUDDING chapter 32 . 9/17/2019
Ovidae chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
Poor merida.
Lostbasin chapter 2 . 6/5/2019
Is it wrong that I can understand the accents written here better than I can read through some of the English of other fics?
Ayees chapter 28 . 4/30/2019
Again, fish legs going berserk, another (un)intentional reference to the books?
Ayees chapter 23 . 4/30/2019
These references to the books are a nice taste of nostalgia, I’m actually a bit surprised you’ve read them
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