Reviews for Rewound
CarmenO780 chapter 22 . 12/7/2024
I'm reading this story, and it's one of my all-time favorites. Thanks for putting this much time and effort into it.
ghawk70 chapter 22 . 6/7/2024
Love, love, loved this!
Guest chapter 22 . 1/30/2024
Gah. Just beautiful. This is definitely one of my favorites! Loved it the first time and still do! Thank you!
iampennylane chapter 22 . 11/16/2023
I really liked this story! Very creative and unique.

I found Hannah to be a very interesting character. Mysterious even. I can't help but wonder about her back story and what led her to kill Bracken.

Excellent work.
iampennylane chapter 4 . 11/14/2023
I am definitely on board with this adventure. Couldn't stop reading this brilliant story if I wanted to.

Very well done!
iampennylane chapter 3 . 11/14/2023
Oh no! Not only has she lost her memory but someone is still trying to kill her too. Poor Castle. Very, very intriguing.

This is so good. Just glad it is written and I don't have to wait for the next chapter!
iampennylane chapter 1 . 11/14/2023
Oh I am hooked already. Pregnant! Wow, that was unexpected.

Thank you for writing and sharing your work with us.
badwolfreader chapter 22 . 11/3/2023
Best story ever! I couldn’t stop reading it!
Charlene Chieff chapter 22 . 9/26/2023
I loved this story, it had everything.
Ending was perfect.
Great work.
Minf chapter 22 . 6/8/2023
Hasta ahora no he encontrado esta historia y me ha parecido preciosa. Gracias por haberla escrito.
kikijacobi chapter 22 . 4/28/2023
Wow. Wow. Wow. Amazing. Really amazing and beautiful and EVERYTHING. Thank you
Planecrazylex chapter 1 . 6/7/2022
Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed this immensely!
Vishw chapter 4 . 10/6/2021
Castle walking on eggshells again... poor guy. Can't seem to catch a break...
sasans chapter 22 . 6/17/2021
I am always somewhat sorry to come to the end of a story I have looking forward to reading to see what the next chapter had in store. Thank you so very much for a great story that totally held my interest from beginning to end. I love how you write these characters.. Great ending to this one. Now I will need to search again, probably in the older fics. to find a new one for me to read.
sasans chapter 21 . 6/17/2021
What? The rest of the chapter wasn't exciting enough you needed to scare the bejeeppers out of us with the dream of Kate coding? Extremely good chapter. I guess Hannah wasn't all bad where Kate was concerned.
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