Reviews for Colliding Forces
Fiarillo chapter 9 . 1/24
Oh I love this AU. Strong Stephanie and Frank are a bonus. A brief Diesel moment and Ranger not being a douchecanoe major bonus points. Please come back.
Fiarillo chapter 4 . 10/3/2021
This is interesting. I agree Carlos has big deep emotions. That makes them hard to control and once you shut them down you fear letting them out because they overwhelm you and can be overwhelming to other people ( I speak from experience).
Sunny Okanagan chapter 10 . 12/2/2020
Amazing beginning. So many ways this could go. Such a different take with Steph being a journalist. Hope life is treating you well and that you’ll be back to finish.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
This story is fantastic. It’s a shame it isn’t finished. I hope one day you come back to complete it.
annalynn88 chapter 10 . 11/25/2018
I'm poking your muse. Lol
annalynn88 chapter 10 . 10/15/2018
hope you will be able to come back to finish this story. it's wonderful
PhillyGirl27 chapter 10 . 4/24/2017
Thanks so much, Liz, for writing this fun AU where Steph & Ranger first meet at Point Pleasant and now, 10 years later, she's a nosy reporter for the Times of Trenton. Her father being a Genera is a good idea, and I love the fact that she has been trained in shooting and self defense. Carlos sent her a nasty breakup letter all those years ago, one he never intended to be mailed (Diesel is a stinker!). Now...can they work together to take down a Colombian drug/gun runner?

So much to work with yet. I do hope you will get a chance to meet with your muse someday and continue this tale. But mostly, I hope you are doing fantastically well in RL and thanks again for a fun read. -Kathy
Guest chapter 10 . 1/31/2017
This story is awesome! Though it would be nice to see it finished... please come back and update
HungarianBebe chapter 10 . 8/18/2015
This is such a great story , i hope you will fibd your muse again
HungarianBebe chapter 6 . 8/18/2015
love it especially the beach seen
jwarden chapter 9 . 5/13/2014
Hope you got your muse on for the rest of this story. Loved and missing it!
the newest daughter chapter 10 . 2/2/2014
I love it so far and see many ways you can go. Pm me if you want my help
carrotmusic chapter 10 . 10/20/2013
Love what you have done so far. Hope you come back to it sometime. You could revise what is here to make the rest of the story work - I have seen other authors do that. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you can make things work for you.
carrotmusic chapter 4 . 10/20/2013
Fascinating premise and great execution. This is a fun take on things - I love your version of Ranger, Steph and Frank. Thanks for sharing.
Roscommon chapter 10 . 7/6/2013
Thank you for your kind note on this story. I truly love that FanFiction liberates authors to both share an amazing variety of creation, but also provides a forum for authors to explain their own creative process, joys, and dilemmas. I empathize with your struggles on this story, and look forward to when working on this story idea once again lifts your heart. As a reader, I enjoyed this first journey through the story, and will be a happy beneficiary of any new direction you may take.
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