Reviews for Hermione's choice
LeoniusDong chapter 19 . 8/25/2022
Great ideas. I like the non maj school for the relatives!
The Ghostly Minion chapter 2 . 8/12/2022
In the main, these are fair and just rules. I like that an overt thrust is to encourage students to understand and act as Hogwarts students first and as house/age/‘blood status’/family identities second.

Good that the full force of the new rules land on Flint and Malfoy immediately. I also suspect that Snape may no long be on the staff quite shortly!

Hooch’s ideas make sense and especially the flying club is looonng overdue.

Finally, Molly’s ‘greeting’ should explain what is wrong with the Weasley family to any with open eyes.

Kai chapter 2 . 7/7/2022
And I hope the next time the chemistry teacher demands to referee a quidditch game that Hooch asks for his referee license, and since he doesn't have one, sends him back to his dungeon with his tail between his legs.

I mean, honestly. He's somehow the youngest potions master since ever, and he somehow gained enough experience in the dark arts (which should exclude him from teaching altogether) that he somehow even qualified for DADA. Are we to believe that Snape has a referee license for quidditch as well? Do they fall from the sky every second Tuesday in November and by chance he found his way away from his cauldrons that day?
Guest chapter 4 . 7/2/2022
Pro Whoremione Grabage fanfic
bethb1973 chapter 17 . 6/15/2022
Oh my hell, you are so freaking funny! Your AN are killing me laughing. THANK YOU, I SO NEEDED TO LAUGH. Hell smile even.
I will say that I love your story thus far and while I do not comment often due to this hated laptop keyboard that screws with me often, I truly mean that. I think your writing is brilliant and I am enjoying it very much. I can't sleep lately and I started your story today. Thank you for sharing it with us and helping fill many very sad hours of mine this past week.
Dresden13 chapter 5 . 6/11/2022
Wow…. Time for snivellous to leave the country
live.small.joys chapter 19 . 6/10/2022
Mari Wollsch chapter 19 . 5/28/2022
great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Serennos chapter 1 . 5/25/2022
St Trinians, hahaha.
Son of Kronos chapter 5 . 5/11/2022
Guest chapter 12 . 5/8/2022
Dumbledors crimes are completely glossed over? Ignored as if he never did them? Shitty writing.
Ezequiel Goni chapter 1 . 5/9/2022
¡ADVERTENCIA! ¡Sigue leyendo! ¡O morirás, incluso si solo miraste la palabra advertencia! Había una vez una niña llamada Clarissa, tenía diez años y vive en un hospital psiquiátrico, porque mató a su mamá y papá. Se puso tan mal que fue a matar a todo el personal del hospital, por lo que el gobierno de More decidió que lo mejor era deshacerse de ella, por lo que habilitaron una habitación especial para matarla, lo más humana posible, pero salió mal. máquina que estaban usando salió mal. Y se sentó allí en agonía durante horas hasta que murió. Ahora, todas las semanas, el día de su muerte, ella regresa con la persona que leyó esta carta, los lunes por la noche a las 12:00 a. m. Se mete en tu habitación y te mata lentamente, cortándote y viendo cómo te desangras. Ahora envíe esto a otras diez imágenes en el sitio, y ella perseguirá a alguien más que no lo haga. Esto no es falso, aparentemente, si copias y pegas esto en diez comentarios en los próximos diez minutos, mañana tendrás el mejor día de tu vida,.,,,.
angelscatie chapter 19 . 4/15/2022
Cute story
Reaper1990 chapter 13 . 4/2/2022
Haha constable Rose Tyler, doctor who lol.
Jimbocous chapter 19 . 3/12/2022
Thanks for a great read! Very nicely done.
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