Reviews for Reason For Living
lillianolivia.white chapter 11 . 2/19/2017
I think Edward has made Bella alive again.
lillianolivia.white chapter 10 . 2/19/2017
I think Edward is so adorable. And really sweet.
lillianolivia.white chapter 6 . 2/19/2017
Bros before Ho's, talking about the cat. That gets me every time. Bahahahah .
Seriously, it sounds like Edwards attorney is not thorough.
lillianolivia.white chapter 5 . 2/19/2017
Cell phone records kiddos!
lillianolivia.white chapter 3 . 2/19/2017
Here I am again.I love this story.
annaharding chapter 42 . 2/4/2017
Four years ago you posted this story, and I read it all in one day. Totally enjoyed it. Edward sure was a horny guy!
thanx for sharing.
Prettysqueaky chapter 42 . 11/23/2016
Such a cute story! I can't wait to read it from Edward's Perspective!
Guest chapter 42 . 11/15/2016
Thanks for writing this amazing story!
Lillywhite1 chapter 42 . 11/16/2016
Thanks for writing this wonderfull story!
Lillywhite1 chapter 30 . 11/16/2016
I would like to read the outtake from the man to man talk. Thanks for writing this wonderfull story! Looking forward for more chapters.
blb1000 chapter 37 . 11/11/2016
I was confused. I thought this was baby #2, just announced in the last chapter.
blb1000 chapter 36 . 11/11/2016
Is he giving the $10k to his parents or doing something with it for his family? I vote the latter. I doubt Carl & Esme would accept the money anyway.
blb1000 chapter 35 . 11/11/2016
This reminds me that when you're in a relationship, you often have to change what you want to do to get your partner to go along.
blb1000 chapter 34 . 11/11/2016
Yay! That'll be a boost for his career.
blb1000 chapter 32 . 11/11/2016
I loved Chopped too, but I no longer pay for cable.
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