Reviews for Reason For Living
TwilightMomofTwo chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
He's cheeky, alright, for one escaping from prison. Good hook in the first chapter, what with him insisting he's innocent. And Bella's back story is heartbreaking...

Looking forward to more.

Thank you for sharing.

kymbersmith90 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013

I have read Oh, Brother but I am so far behind on my reviews that I haven’t yet gotten any of those to you. I thought I would start with your new fic as then I can hopefully keep up as you are going along instead of starting behind.

Wow, there was so much going on in this chapter and I have so many questions after reading it. I cannot wait to find out the answers to them with every new chapter that you post. That is my very favourite thing about fanfiction. With every new chapter I read I form questions and with every new chapter posted, those questions are answered.

From the clues we got in this chapter it is obvious that Bella’s new lifestyle is a result of something bad that has happened in her past. I presume it has something to do with a car given that she said she can drive but she doesn’t choose to do so. I am trying to work out what could have happened that would drive her into the woods to live alone. Why would she give up her job as a vet, she obviously trained hard to make that a reality? Could she have been involved in a car accident and lost someone close to her?

Edward was not at all what I was expecting. From the summary, I thought that maybe he would be lost and need her help, something like that. I did not expect him to be a criminal that had escaped from prison transportation. I also wasn’t expecting him to be as friendly as he was. I thought he would threaten Bella to try and get her to hide him. His calm and friendly manner actually made me believe what he told Bella about being framed for a crime he didn’t commit. What crime is he accused of? I hope that in the end, they find a way to clear his name.

Bella seemed incredibly comfortable around Edward given that he was an escaped prisoner. I wonder if it’s because his appearance doesn’t scream threat or if it was because if he wanted to hurt her, he would have done it as soon as she opened the door. That being said, I was surprised when she lied to the police officers at her door. I wouldn’t have expected that from the daughter of the Chief of Police.

Maybe it was her attraction to him that stopped her short. After all, we don’t tend to picture criminals as the sexiest men in the world. I wonder what significance Edward’s ink has to him. The wings on his back can’t just be for decoration, surely. Something tells me they represent someone that he loved and lost in his life. Edward’s age also had me curious. We know Bella is thirty but she mentioned that Edward looked young. Will he be younger than her?

I really hope Edward doesn’t suffer too much because of his wound. I trust Bella to take good care of him, but he has to make it through the night first. After that, I can see them bonding as Bella helps him recover before he can leave.

I look forward to seeing what happens the next morning.

pnkats chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Looking forward to this
debslmac chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
thisusernameisnottaken chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Happy birthday Bella... have a febrile convict! Much more interesting than socks.
Love the start of new story - Bella the vet treating Edward kinda reminds me of Sayid on Lost getting treated in a vet's office for some reason.
Blou97 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Can't wait to read more. Wonder what his story is. And hers too.
reds-red chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Ok I am on board for the ride. I'd like to see how she gets herself and Edward out of this one. Sim guess she had a tramatic car accident with Mike Newton? He'd died? How often are updates?
S1203 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Crime type of Edward... sound interesting... and what happen with her? I am curious. Thank you for ch. I am glad that you have prewriten this. :)
Raum chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
This first chapter is very intriguing!

I found this story on ADifferentForest.

- Raum
majose chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
Hahaha loving it! Specially the part where the cat was the deciding factor for not turning him in :-) And also how worried she is that he'll die on her because, really, that would be a huge problem
Kia J chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
So happy to see another story from you - Yay! :)
tigger5600 chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
LOVING it so far! :) Can't wait to read more!

2muchtrouble chapter 1 . 2/4/2013
A little description and some dialog and you have me roped in and panting for more. Yes, I read the prequel too.
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