Reviews for Reason For Living
Patriciadiane chapter 15 . 5/3/2023
Off too easy well, it sure helped the circumstances of her loss and her father advocating for her. The sympathetic victim would cost money and probably not get the result and be a loss on his record.
Meeting with his mother should be interesting.
Patriciadiane chapter 14 . 5/3/2023
We all knew this day was coming and he is already in prison. I know that it will be a long road ahead and Bella will be lucky if she isn't charged. I am glad I am reading this as a completed piece because I couldn't imagine watching my email for notices that a new chapter was posted. Yes, thank you for this piece of tension, trauma, joy, angst, happiness, terror, and fun.
Patriciadiane chapter 13 . 5/3/2023
Edward might just be expressing his feelings in a physical way, some telling thoughts about Jacob coming out of Bella"s mind
Patriciadiane chapter 12 . 5/2/2023
These two annoy each other but also will bring out the best at times
Patriciadiane chapter 11 . 5/2/2023
I really thought that Charlie would show up when they went to have sex.
Patriciadiane chapter 10 . 5/2/2023
The rift between Billy and Charlie is it because she lives and J didn't? A baby - she has a boatload of guilt
Angela is telling the truth I don't understand why they wouldn't believe her. What about Alice coming, Charlie showing up, or somebody dropping in to visit?
Patriciadiane chapter 9 . 5/2/2023
Edward is not living as if there is a tomorrow. Each day might be his last. Bella better be careful.
So many things to work out.
Patriciadiane chapter 8 . 5/2/2023
So I recall that Charlie ad Billy had an issue - does Jacob's death have something to do with the split in their friendship?

They can't stay under the radar much longer...Alice, Charlie, or Mrs. Cope perhaps the police will drop by
Patriciadiane chapter 7 . 5/2/2023
So will she tell him? Is Jacob dead, did he cheat, what is the deal? Why can't she drive? Why did I feel like the shoe is about to drop, like in Charlie will just show up...
Patriciadiane chapter 6 . 5/2/2023
How long do they think they were going to get along with this head-n-the-sand approach? He is an escaped felon and she is adding and abetting. Bella is definitely like a dog with a bone and is trying to get him justice.
Patriciadiane chapter 5 . 5/2/2023
Patriciadiane chapter 4 . 5/2/2023
Edward was a typical sex-crazed guy and the preacher's daughter worked it much to his detriment. He really was out of bounds going into her space and taking out clothing, especially after all she has done for him. PERSONAL SPACE...
Patriciadiane chapter 3 . 5/2/2023
Bella and her trauma, loss of her perfect life, king-sized bed for a single woman nope, what has she lost, why has she withdrawn, and doesn't she have to pay bills, how does she support herself, she doesn't drive, she can't even get out of park, and so much to think about.
Patriciadiane chapter 2 . 5/2/2023
I am in a mood and your story is helping me leave the reality of things that are annoying me as well as frustrating my inability to move mountains. I appreciate all of your words, your hard work, your creativity, your imagination, and your ability to reach us through characters. I don't read stories to learn about medical procedures, police procedures, or whatever is relevant to the story. I appreciate all efforts you put into your creations to make them believable but I will never comment on whether it is correct because I probably don't know and would only be applying common sense which many other readers probably do as well. I see so many GUEST READERS who make snide comments and correct items within the story (not necessarily this one but others and I get annoyed, angry, indignant, and outraged on behalf of creative writers such as yourself who are out there doing what I can only hope to do one day. Add in the fact that they are reading such amazing stories for FREE. Ungrateful is what I say and also THANK YOU.

This story is amazing so far as I want to know what the backstory for each is and have not read any of the other backstories offered and I am impressed with my willpower. These characters are making me so curious about how they landed in the place where they are and how it will be resolved. Boy, he is lucky she has vet skills he would be in trouble if I were in that cabin. She has a heart and her instincts tell her that she will b okay. We shall see. Oh, I need to learn how to delete search history incase I have a situation like this come up in my life.
Patriciadiane chapter 1 . 5/2/2023
So many questions and a lot of backstory for sure. I'm impressed with the instincts of Bella and her cat. I resisted reading the other backstory offers so no spoilers came with them but the temptation was certainly strong. Bella has s lot going on and she is not one to share, Edward is claiming to be innocent and Bella certainly doesn't seem to be fearful. It tickled me that she didn't want to leave fingerprints on the gun and also plans to go shopping in the morning with the assumption that he will let her go. But with that fever, he might be knocked out and not even aware she is leaving. Will she leave a note?
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