Reviews for Damaged Bodies, Growing Lives, Building Families
Steve-Arkarian chapter 13 . 11/30/2021
If he leaves in the middle of the night how is he supposed to pick up his keys for his new house?
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 1 . 11/5/2021
Same note as the story where Harry is in Ancient Rome. I have only read as far as the warnings, so now I’m debating on if I want to cry over all the angst that will likely come from all those warnings
Stacy Damato chapter 21 . 5/19/2021
Please update this story is so good and can't wait to see what happens next
Rebe Marauder chapter 21 . 4/11/2021
Hello, good afternoon. I have really enjoyed reading this story. It has been very sad that Harry lost absolutely all of his loved ones but I am glad that he found happiness after all. I love reading Harry like a dad. He is adorable with his babies.
petit blabla chapter 16 . 3/23/2021
il n'est jamais vraiment en paix...
petit blabla chapter 12 . 3/23/2021
le sarcasme d' Harry me tue
petit blabla chapter 1 . 3/14/2021
bon début
HSkarsgard chapter 7 . 2/14/2021
I like the idea of this story but could’ve done without the whiny immature Harry.
Steve-Arkarian chapter 19 . 1/26/2021
why would he ruin any carpets when he went into labor if it's already been said that he needs to get a C-section to give birth, doesn't that mean that he doesn't have the equipment for that? So why would that even happen?
Steve-Arkarian chapter 16 . 1/26/2021
I'm both confused and kind of angry. Wasn't the whole point of Harry only keying certain people in to mean that only certain people could get in?!
sleepyofurbullshit chapter 15 . 12/21/2020
yea... I definitely hate how Harry acts in this and the previous chapter. I know it's the hormones. But he is making me feel angry and frustrated. Clint definitely didn't help with claiming Harry as his. I mean- they are not letting you outside because they want you to be safe, omega! They don't know that you can protect yourself BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T TOLD THEM ANYTHING. I'm alright with you not wanting to break the Statute of Secrecy but still. You have been attacked three times, two of those three you almost lost your baby. I just... hhhhh. But after all, that was a great chapter. I don't know if the author wants me siding with Harry or hating him cause I just find myself thinking this omega right here is not stable.
Marleen1702 chapter 21 . 4/15/2020
Hello. I LOVE your storys and I‘m so happy that you Write crossovers with the Avengers and Harry Potter. (But my favorit are still The Rise of Drackens, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT STORY) You have my support and that from Many Others too !️Your Fans are in different countrys too, for example myself from GermanyMay I ask a question? I‘m totally a dumbass and a little desperate, because I dont know,where to find your other AvengersxHarryPotter Storys and I am dying to read them!I know so far only about this FF, the Iron-Bound and HarryxFury. Maybe I am blind, but where can I find the other ones you inform us about ?
Zoha-Lixue chapter 1 . 4/11/2020
Honestly, I love your writing style. You are an amazing author but by all that is holy I hate nearly every Harry you have written. Harry is nearly always a whiny, toxic, and downright spoiled brat. Yes, he goes through some stuff. Most of the time being dramatic is needed to get his point across. But he goes above and beyond what is considered normal levels of hysteria.
Take this story for example. He gets angry for them not telling him what happened. That is awesome. But then he goes and tells someone else and sits back as they threaten everyone. As though he can't do anything on his own. Then he goes shopping and gets angry because people are concerned about him. He is pregnant and hurt. So why, just why, would he be insulted by their concern when he has proven himself to be incompetent at caring for himself. He doesn't eat, he barely sleeps, he was recently kidnapped where the captors haven't been caught yet. So why does he think that it is ok to do what he does and why are we as readers expected to take his side. I get his situation but I hate him.

You write some amazing stories but I can't read your stuff without wanting to bash my head into a wall over you annoying way of writing Harry.
stacyleedam25 chapter 21 . 3/23/2020
Please update this story is so good and can't wait to see what happens next
uzieh chapter 1 . 1/13/2020
hawkeye has wife and kids
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