Reviews for Damaged Bodies, Growing Lives, Building Families
BooksAreMyVideogames chapter 6 . 4/22/2018
lol The Punisher is a marvel hero/antihero. He occasionally works with/alongside/against Daredevil.
nerdyink chapter 21 . 4/16/2018
i loved the story it was great but i couldnt really get past the rape thing, i was so furious about what natasha said to harry it made me sick and mad and i really wanted harry to slap her or put her in her place .
Harry was raped and they can call it want they want but after being brually tortored the person who was supposed to help him raped him, harry didnt own clint anything and for me that ruined natasha character in the story for me .
but apart from that great story the charector i liked the most was luke . x
NotJustOneFandome chapter 8 . 3/26/2018
Just saying, chapter 8 infuriated me. The guard who is protecting Harry when getting a scan would have to be under contract stating he wouldn't be sharing any information. Initially it made me very angry that a guard was needed in the first place. Do you know just how hard it is to become a doctor? 4 years of regular schooling, in which the average is 800 hours is spent volunteering at a hospital, 800 at normal volunteering settings, and more actual job shadowing. Then you have to pass something incredibly hard called the MCAT, and your college GPA has to be a higher than a 3.0 or your application is thrown out immediately, but because of the demand to enter medical school the usual gpa is something like 3.6 at lowest. Then you have to be interviewed by the medical school if you are a competitive candidate and you have to be shown to be morally sound. This step is what prevents many sick people from getting in. Many forms are dedicated to "I exceed the requirements, why do no medical schools accept me?" Then it's four years of medical school if you are lucky, which most people drop out of in the first two years. You can't have a job in medical school since most people study for eight hours a day. In your last two years of residency you spend most of it sleep deprived. Working over 100 hours a week is common. Then it's residency, which you do get paid most commonly around 40,000 a year. It's also difficult to get into a residency, only so many spots are available and many medical school graduates.

All this to say that becoming a doctor is extremely hard and that's why doctors receive so much respect. Thats why it shocked me so bad when Harry needed a guard. Every step of becoming a doctor is so thorough in trying to weed out bad or weak people that seeing one, even in a story makes me infuriated. Most doctors live by a motto that they should treat a patient with the most respect because they live for the patient. In most cases Harry would be 100% safe, heck safer with a doctor than a teacher or guard. It breaks my heard that someone like this slipped through the cracks and that Harry had to encounter one of the few bad apples. Due to the amount of debt doctors receive and the long time it takes to get it most people don't really go into the field for money.

Now that I've reread my review, I'm making it clear I'm not infuriated at you or the story just the fact that some doctors like this exists. I'll make another review when I'm finished reading all of this! Thank you for writing this story!
tamashiyuki chapter 21 . 3/24/2018
Very very good!
Guest chapter 2 . 3/5/2018
Dubious consent? Dubious content? That's rape, you motherfucker. Not only did you write rape, you made the main character pair up with his rapist! What the fuck, author? EVERYONE LISTEN UP, THERE'S RAPE AND FUCKING SUICIDE IDEATION IN THIS FUCKING STORY.
Caincrux chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
Males dont get pregnant even if they do theyre called females
L'uke-chan chapter 21 . 11/9/2017
Beautiful! It nearly made me go to cardiac arrest but I safely made it through ;D I cannot stop smiling. This was so so beautiful, so heart-warming, so deliciously painful in its moments. Ach. Adore it to bits and pieces. THANK YOU!
knuckles 8 chapter 21 . 10/11/2017
great story! I absolutely loved it. Thank-you for sharing your wonderful story.
DiamondBackNeko-chi chapter 21 . 8/13/2017
I spent 3 days reading this instead of packing for school. When I start reading a good story, I can't make myself do the stuff I'm supposed to be doing. Congratulations on a thoroughly distracting work of art.
1sunfun chapter 21 . 7/19/2017
Sad Reader chapter 2 . 6/29/2017
Whyyyyyyy! Not clint nooooooooooooo, how could you?! I trusted you... No harry whyyyyyyyy why, no. He was gamma save he, but you made him rape Harry... How could. ( in all honesty I can see where this will help thicken and add depth to the story) but also whyyyyyy not... No. GOD DAMMIT!
Naryuuganimaster chapter 2 . 5/4/2017
Wow I really like this story - you're good at summaries - many authors write well but aren't good at summaries. I'm wondering if the broken and pregnant bit is a flashback or if it happens because of Barton, but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
Annie chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
Lots and lots of run-on sentences. Makes it harder for the reader to fully follow your story.

Love the premise, and love the idea of Harry and Hawkeye. Just hoping the sentence structure modifies (shortens) as I go through the chapters :/
DiLayla chapter 21 . 3/23/2017
You my Dear are a Godess! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart
All the love,
xx. DiLayla
Emrysa chapter 21 . 3/23/2017
Loved it!
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