Reviews for Crossings
Ale chapter 5 . 10/20/2018
This was a great fic, and I enjoyed reading it. I liked the "possible" mother twist.
But really, the whole story was well written and engaging. It felt very realistically written too. I like how Sanzo always seems to wind up doing 'priestly' things and caring for people/protecting good people even though he always acts like it's a burden. I really liked the banter between the two.
RosaLui chapter 5 . 3/17/2010
This fic is so very old, and stil so very well plotted and characterized. I read it ages ago, and still love it as much today. This woman would be the PERFECT mother for Sanzo. If you ever wanted to show their second meeting, it would be brilliant.
osvark chapter 5 . 11/23/2009
This was an awesome fic! Just what i was looking for in a saiyuki story! I feel like i should've seen the mother thing coming, but i didn't and reading the part when he realizes it *could* be his mother, totally made me gasp and nudge my friend next to me and try to explain my excitement, even though she doesn't know the series haha _ . Ah, and the part when he puts on the monk robes that we all know and love gave me such a rush!

Sigh, I love it when Sanzo is forced to preform monk duties when he hates it so much. There's something about Sanzo that makes him so much fun to throw angst at! And of course, having him potentially sold to flesh traders and that "checking" part was a great scene too.

I really like your writing style and how you kept the whole thing in such a realistic tone, not skimping out on the violence and brutality of the times/situations that even the canon sometimes skims over.

As much as I love all the stories where you can see all 4 of the character interact, reading the ones with just Sanzo is a lot of fun too. Watching him when he still is a bit fresh from his masters death, before some of the harshness of his experiences were *softened* by goku and the other's friendship, is really neat. Despite Sanzo being a jerk all the time, it's fun seeing all the harsh edges in his character and you did a good job of writing that into the story. I only wish that there was more for me to read! haha. oh well, thanks for the fic, it's my new favorite!
fullmetalfemme chapter 5 . 7/25/2007
*Whap!* Smacks authoress with harisen for being too hard on herself. Excellent job of tackling a very ambitious idea, incorporating Saiyuki with Buddhist mythology like that, to that extent. It would have been one thing to do it for a short little ficlet, but to do a multi-chapter piece like this, complete with all that action, is really quite impressive. Lighten up on yourself already, and keep writing more Saiyuki FF!
AmunRa chapter 5 . 9/8/2005
Great story! It was original and a very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.
Amy01 chapter 5 . 1/16/2004
That ...was AWSOME!
I loved it ! You have to keep writting fic's like this. I must add i was impressed their was no yaoi, I guess that added to the stories charm. It was very origonal. I read a lot of fics today but yours made my day!
cluelesspsycho chapter 5 . 10/12/2003
Uh, after so long, can you manage to get a "I like your story" review ? Don't blame me, I didn't know Saiyuki until mid-last year and I didn't know about until early this year, and if I'm not patient enough, or crazy enough to go through all the stacks, I wouldn't find this story at all. Anyway, it's a refreshing story which is very much different from all the journey and bickering thing ... *I didn't make sense, don't worry* ... keep up the good work ...
Bhex chapter 1 . 12/15/2002
you have a clean, straightforward way of presenting your details, and an admirably firm grip on your plot devices. i wish i had your talent for description. this was a superbly written fic.
Koccinelle chapter 5 . 10/25/2002
Gee...I always thought Konzen wuz just reincarnated into the kickass sanzo we all love(dreamy sigh) and dumped convieniantly where the previous sanzo could find does put things into perspective.'cept when u rite the action scenes u makes sanzo seem so damn weak!

do a sequel. this time after he found goku.

Ami chapter 5 . 10/16/2002
Interesting. Pretty well writtten and interesting spin. I know the original story and mythology, so when I actually watched Saiyuki it was totally different. This account really didn't make me think of the mother sending his son down the river at all,as mythology states anyway. Well, who doesn't like angst being done to Sanzo? Uh...maybe Sy from what I seen. Hehe )
naori chapter 5 . 9/23/2002
wow. just wow.. what a story! very well written (very bloody!) would love to see more of your writing!
Tori Sakana chapter 5 . 9/7/2002
Cool! I must say, the ending threw me for a loop...Sanzo's mama! Bizarre...Figures she'd be as violent as he is :) Very good fic! Yay!
sf chapter 5 . 9/7/2002
I woke up this morning with the urge to read 'Vindication' again, and found something just as good if not better - a new, kickass installment to 'Crossings' _. Or the 'Long, not-Tedious, excellent and *totally* unexpected ending. *laughs* Should've known that you'd base it off the original... although I'd never have guessed if you hadn't mentioned it.

Lovely, lovely fic. I'm so glad that it's one of those that you finished... _
lux chapter 5 . 9/6/2002
ah...simply marvelous...

(loud applause)

I've always wondered about Sanzo's lineage and lack of a mommy, though I have to admit I've always pictured him springing like Athena from the brain of Minekura. Great job on this. It's always a good fic when I'm left feeling empathy for Sanzo-sama. Usually he just pisses me off :D

lux, who would like to inquire about a potential update to Halcyon/Hell but fears being rude...;D
incandescens chapter 5 . 9/6/2002
That was ... very enjoyable indeed. A very plausible (younger) Sanzou, excellent action scenes, lovely turns of phrase. Please keep on writing; I'd like to read more.
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