Reviews for Naruto: the chakra molder
Zero4590 chapter 90 . 11/16/2024
just kill Danzo
Zero4590 chapter 80 . 11/16/2024
Wonder how long its gonna take the old perv to realize Hinata would not be good for his material cause she is acting it out?
Zero4590 chapter 78 . 11/16/2024
gotta bring two weeks worth of supplies but leave the rubbers at home.
Zero4590 chapter 17 . 7/31/2024
if you want to use that idea that someone likes sweet food again use Red Bean Soup.
Zero4590 chapter 26 . 6/29/2024
So you have Hanabi doing the same as Hinata did. Interesting. And appreciated. Though if Sakura and Hanabi caught themselves doing the same thing it would be hilarious. Also, again, appreciated because I felt Naruto should have the love of the girl he wanted to. Not settle be cause Sakura was an idiot for chasing a man that tried to kill her. And sorry about the many reviews but I treat them as comments.
Zero4590 chapter 25 . 6/29/2024
First part was meant for the last chapter. P1: Finally Sakura is beginning to realize Sasuke is no good for anybody. P2: Hopefully Hanabi gets her shot soon and Sakura joins the harem too.
Zero4590 chapter 24 . 6/29/2024
Finally Sakura is begg
Zero4590 chapter 23 . 6/29/2024
Damn. At least this way you avoided the goofy stories of him being banished for completing the mission he was given. Even though I still read them just to see the suffering the village deals with afterwards. Though it's almost always the same.
Zero4590 chapter 21 . 6/29/2024
No need to change it by my standards. He should have killed that bastard. Hell I would have castrated him first.
Zero4590 chapter 4 . 6/29/2024
You call that relationship interest
Zero4590 chapter 2 . 6/29/2024
Haku being a boy was one of many mistakes Author dude made. I know his name just refuse to use it due to the fact he screwed up a helluva show.
Guest chapter 25 . 6/23/2024
This a great fanfic i hope you add temari
Guest chapter 10 . 5/12/2024
Trash. Just Trash. Your vocabulary is weak. The story is rushed to hell with a metric ton of plot holes. The writing is just lazy. The absurd amount of authors notes throughout the story is absolutely redundant and ridiculous. You spend more time explaining the storyline and the logic behind it with authors notes than you spend on the actual story. If you wanted feedback on a rough draft you should have started with that.
Confused Reader chapter 9 . 5/12/2024
This chapter is more authors notes about the future plot than story to build the plot. You don’t want to rewrite some of the canon parts but you are also changing bit of the canon and not explain why. If you had written out the parts that you are omitting, just made your own original changes, and did a better job of explaining the scenes you wouldn’t need to keep interrupting the story with authors notes every other paragraph to explain your logic and why certain things are happening in the story. The story would just make sense. You are ruining the immersive experience. why is Shino explaining anything about Naruto when they have never spoken, interacted, or been around each other once since leaving the academy? It’s all very VERY FORCED. The personality for all of the characters is about the same. There is no quirkiness to any of them to really tell one characters tone from another.
Also we get it he is in a CRA why must it be continuously thrown out there. No one is told about his clan status until he makes chunin okay fine. Why did you put an AN explaining to us why the counsel did it instead of saying so previously as a protection for him when they had the meeting about it or even explain that later in the story why the secrecy was needed? That would have made more sense than a paragraph long AN.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/12/2024
Why the need for so many authors notes? Why not just tell the story in a way that what would have been in the note is just understandable in the story? If an AN is needed why is it a whole long paragraph. I can also understand skipping through some canon parts and not wanting to rewrite them if they are the same as in the anime, but these cut out parts could have been changed up and used to explain Naruto’s character growth and some of the relationships he has with people. Instead it’s a rushed mess of events that barely make sense together. Then you have the characters over explain everything mentally and out loud. On top of that why is Naruto so okay with not only these girls ransacking his private space on multiple occasions without permission, reading private documents, Haku just giving his information all away, forcing him to give up more private information, but Tenten calling him a liar sends him off the rails mad? This makes no sense. This story has so much potential to be great. It’s a great concept but so far very childishly written. I will continue as far as I can tolerate to try and give this story a fair overall review. So far 3/10 wouldn’t recommend
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