Reviews for Reunion
JustAmyRobHere chapter 1 . 4/6/2013
Good first chapter
Guest chapter 21 . 3/29/2013
Loving the story so far, been ready it straight for a couple of hours! and I hate to be nit-picky, but there are a lot of name errors, like calling Gabriella, Esperanza and Troy, Josh in this chapter. There's also a lot of confusion surrounding Tori. A lot of times there's a "he" instead of a "she" or "him" instead of "her"
Loves to read 15 chapter 52 . 3/18/2013
Hope this isnt the last chapter of this story. Read it all today and yesterday and LOVE it, cant wait to read the next chapter and future chapters to come :) x
AlwaysLove14 chapter 52 . 3/17/2013
Gabi's pregnant...De Aquila is alive...and the truth is out...Wow these were some eventful 2 chapters! They were great chapters full of different and unexpected surprises. Great job. I cant wait to read where this all leads to and how Gabi reacts when she finds out that the baby was never Troy's to begin with. Took them long enough to finally decide to leave Gabi and Troy alone. Lol
Guest chapter 51 . 3/16/2013
the baby is troys not de aquila, right?
Iledid chapter 51 . 3/16/2013
OMG I need to know whats next!
AlwaysLove14 chapter 50 . 3/15/2013
Troy confronted her properly and I loved the ending when he was all calm and was saying Sharpay was pathetic and he was in love with his Lily and always would be. It was detailed and it played out like a real fight would instead of just all caps screaming and then a slap and the door slams. This was a really good chapter because finally someone told Sharpay the truth about herself.
AlwaysLove14 chapter 49 . 3/14/2013
AWWWWW...They are so stinkin cute together, it's unreal! Lol I really do think that was a less drama filled and original way of letting Troy know about Sharpay, although if it is so and she has lost the baby, will they ever truly know if the child was his or not? (I know the truth! Lol) Great chapter, loved the romance and conversation between Gabi and Troy. Hopefulyy you update soon:)
AlwaysLove14 chapter 48 . 3/13/2013
Yes! So happy that everything is out in the open and they have an honest relationship! I loved Troy getting mad because all he could say was dead. Lol and the nicknames Batman and Superman were unique and brightened up the story a little after such a bad storm and Chad's arm looking like he played slinky with it! Haha This chapter was awesome!
londongirl123 chapter 48 . 3/13/2013
Unexpected events are never far from this story are they? That's not a bad thing though :D I loved the heart to heart at the beginning - hopefully they are able to move through this. The storm was crazy, I'm hoping everyone is ok but I have this feeling something won't turn out for the best :( great chapter though, love the details!
AlwaysLove14 chapter 47 . 3/12/2013
Thank goodness! I was like NOOOOOOO! Then I was like GO TROY! I'm so happy Gabi remembered finally lol you were torturing me here :) Anyways I really did love how she found out. This chapter was definitely worth the wait!
Iledid chapter 47 . 3/12/2013
amazing! as usual!
londongirl123 chapter 47 . 3/12/2013
Finally - good defeats evil, well for now anyway :D:D I'm so glad that Troy and the others got there in time. Gabriella seems to have remembered that she loves Troy which is definitely a good thing. Things for them still have a long way to go, so hopefully they keep looking up. And I'm doubting that this is the last of Julian too? Love it :D
londongirl123 chapter 46 . 3/12/2013
Aaah, that was so bittersweet! Getting engaged should be one of the happiest things in life but Gabriella doesn't seem to be completely swayed. That must be something to do with Troy I hope? I'm glad about the hearing verdict but the problem still isn't solved. Maybe with Julian close by they can figure out where Gabriella is? Taylor can help too :) love it!
londongirl123 chapter 45 . 3/12/2013
Oh my - this is getting worse, I didn't think it was possible. I cannot believe Gabriella is going along with Julian to forget Troy - that I can't understand. Something needs to stop this., Julian can't keep this up forever - I'm hoping not anyway. I loved the ending too - its heartbreaking that Tori feels she has done something wrong but it made me realise that this isnt only affecting Troy :( Question, why did Julian call her 'miss Parisi?' I
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