Reviews for Shoot to Heal
John Doe chapter 5 . 10/1/2023
Hands Down Best Fanfiction I Have Ever Read!
Great Job!
NeleWW chapter 18 . 5/24/2021
This ending is great. Thank you for it
Autumn chapter 18 . 9/18/2019
Awww! Love the ending
Asilrettor chapter 18 . 1/4/2019
Loved it, although if you could do a sort of sequel, for afterwards describing the ptsd maybe
M-chanchen chapter 18 . 4/5/2016
this story is really amazing, interesting, great and well written. You did a great job at writing. Well done. Maybe the gap of 15 years is a bit surprising but I am so glad that Alex finally got his happy ending. He really deserves it.
I really enjoyed reading. Please keep going that way, it is good.
dorfchaosgenie chapter 18 . 1/21/2016
That was absolutely lovely :) aww the whole Christmas business :D (kinda missed tom but yeah)
Rizarora chapter 18 . 11/22/2014
MasteroftheTides chapter 1 . 9/25/2014
I forgot how much I loved this fandom, thanks for the revival.
mei101 chapter 18 . 9/10/2014
What about Tom? I love the ending but was sad that Tom wasn't in it! XD
DarkSun.Sama chapter 18 . 7/7/2014
Is 5:46am read it in probably in 1 hour and 20min lol is really good I like it and for me to comment is big am more a silent reader p.s. were is Tom in the last chap
Darkestshadow Brightestlight chapter 18 . 6/26/2014
Great story, Alex finally got the life he wanted. A happy ending for all. Keep up the great work!
greenwings33 chapter 18 . 12/5/2013
grey-sky-at-night chapter 18 . 10/20/2013
Great story, well done for finishing it, so far i haven't finished any of mine! I actually really liked the ending, it always depressed me that Alex was so depressed, so thinking of him happy is good ;) thanks
M chapter 18 . 10/13/2013
Hello chapter 18 . 10/12/2013
Alex has three children when Snake and Eagle have one...And Alex is so much younger? o.o but I like the ending anyway. :D
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