Reviews for My Story
SeungJiYeon chapter 19 . 7/23/2019
That chapter was really full of emotions, I don’t really know where to begin... first of all, Hinata has shown such tremendous growth in the last few chapters its astonishing...

Her little talk with Sasuke was actually very... touch omg in a sense..? I mean, despite everything she’s gone through up until now, she still shows compassion for him. (I pray that I’ll one day be this patient and kind and understanding)

The next point was Kushina’s state... Sasuke must be feeling like crap, and he deserves so. It seems to me like the MCG isn’t entirely bad, but it looks like they were lost in a lust for power, and only now they are starting to realize their actions and their consequences. It’s probably too little too late for most of them (it looks like Shikamaru is the only one who didn’t shoot himself in the foot) but oh well... we shall see what the future holds for them!
SeungJiYeon chapter 17 . 7/22/2019
I’m kinda feeling sorry for Naruto but I’m sooo sooo happy that Hinata kinda put him on the spot for his actions! They would’ve been wonderful together but hey... people make choices and Naruto made his...

And how dare Sasuke treat Hinata as if she were still his? Doesn’t he have a shred of remorse or conscience?
HollowHolliman12 chapter 32 . 7/22/2019
SeungJiYeon chapter 16 . 7/22/2019
I have to admit that I would’ve loved for Hinata to be with Naruto after the divorce, I just love the two of them together and she’d be going back to her first crush... it’d be so so cute! I don’t think that it’s going to happen unfortunately... and if Sasori wasn’t such a playboy, him and Hinata would be a wonderful pair too... aaah, so many handsome men and only one shall be the winner...
SeungJiYeon chapter 15 . 7/22/2019
If only Kushina had known what her son had done... I can’t believe them both. And isn’t Mikoto just being delusional or desperate? The plot continues to thicken and I love this!
DUH BOMB chapter 32 . 7/21/2019
Oh shit she did it!
SeungJiYeon chapter 14 . 7/21/2019
How is it that Neji starts to feel a bit guilty now?! I’m just flabbergasted at the sheer contradiction that he is. If he was feeling so protective of Hinata why would he even do half of what he did in the first place?
SeungJiYeon chapter 13 . 7/20/2019
And now Sasuke is jealous?!

Their attitude is downright confusing me...
I mean Sasuke didn’t seem to bear I’ll will towards Hinata but he wanted more power and definitely did her dirty... Neji on the other hand seemed to have a personal grudge of some sort... and now he’s happy that Hinata moved on? Is he some sort of “I can mistreat my family but no one else can”?!

Naruto just doesn’t seem to understand what he’s really gotten into, being all sunshine and roses... and Shikamaru seems to be the most sensible one. He’s obviously smart (duh) and should know by now that something is gonna go wrong.
Shivani chapter 32 . 7/20/2019
It was so good
Shivani chapter 32 . 7/20/2019
I can't tell you how happy i am to see your update
I feel like screaming
Really glad to see that you updated
Please next time don't make us wait For so long
Guest chapter 32 . 7/20/2019
Billie Ellish bad guy plays in the background! Yes Hinata! So proud of her, she did what had to be done.

Sasuke deserves it for being a sociopsth, abusive controlling selfish asshole.

Im here for hinata and sakura eventusly being friends

Omg i wondering how sasuhina will still happen, theres so much bad blood .
Azucena chapter 32 . 7/19/2019
Hola, quisiera que la historia no fuera tan triste, me gusta pero quiero ver una Hinata fuerte que ya no llore, que no mendigue amor, incluso que pueda luchar, que todos las personas se arrepientan de hacerle daño, pero que no sea fria sino lista, tanto su padre, hermana primo y sasuke busquen desespereados su perdon y amor pero que no sea facil.Y me gusta el sasuhina
Veraozao chapter 32 . 7/19/2019
love it, kiss
SeungJiYeon chapter 11 . 7/19/2019
That chapter struck really close to home for me. Hinata and Deidara’s argument was definitely the best part of that chapter. It truly shows both character’s turmoil. I was surprised by the fact that religion was important for Hinata (what I mean is that I’ve never come across stories where characters show their faith clearly... and I love it!)

The end really left me smiling. You’re a wonderful author!
SeungJiYeon chapter 10 . 7/19/2019
What is Sasuke even thinking? I’m not getting why he needs to come back now that he has what he wants... or is it just to see what Hinata is doing of her free time? Surely not.

I’m happy to see that despite her conflicting emotions, Hinata isn’t crying anymore, she’s a lot more level-headed and she is finally starting to realize that she is worth more than she thinks. She doesn’t deserve to live through someone else.
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