Reviews for Illicit Love
wildheartscantbebroken chapter 18 . 2/1/2005
I love your story! The proposal is great! Keep up the good work and update soon!
Cynical Romantic Lass chapter 4 . 12/17/2004
The scene with Sirius's room at his dad's was hilarious. Eliha was interesting. What was the elvish bit stuck in there? LOTR fan? If Sirius could just floo to the Bahamas, why did he have to take a plane to Brazil. I'm really liking the way you're writing Jessica.
Cynical Romantic Lass chapter 3 . 12/17/2004
that was interesting how you almost switched Sirius's and James's families. Normally its the Blacks that are so into blood purity and everything. And interesting how you had Jess not really being mean but just watching out for James. I can't say i'm overly fond of how rich you're making james, but i do like the fic and please continue
Maxennce chapter 18 . 10/23/2004
Great story, absolutely fantastic. Don't really want to know what James' dad is gonna say when he finds out his grandmothers heirloom is sitting on a muggleborns finger. Probably will kill her father then. Good on James though, screw his parents, good on him. Turns out a killer kid though, harry rocks, and I spose if he ever met his grandfather, would probably spit on him.


badfaith9 chapter 18 . 9/23/2004
thank you so much for finally putting out this chapter! I know it was sappy, but I've been waiting for it for so long, that I just dont care! Don't take so long with the next one!
MidniteMarauder chapter 18 . 9/2/2004
WOOHOO! I'm SO thrilled you're back! And, I must admit rather pleased to have warranted such a lovely dedication from you! I was offline for a bit, so I didn't realize this chapter has been up for TWO WHOLE WEEKS! Ah well - I found it - that's what matters!

Yeah, okay, it's sappy, but a little sap now and then is perfectly acceptable! *g* And it's a nice little setup for all of the "hell-breaking-loose" that is sure to follow when Potter Sr. gets wind! Should be vedy interesting! :)

And I owe you a really long e-mail! LOL Of course, I keep dreading my inbox because I've been away and now there are over 300 e-mails in there to sort through! I think I'm actually glad that some of them will be spam! Yikes - who would have thought!

So this is my ffn name - catchy, no? *g* (And I know I spelled midnight wrong - it was on purpose! :) )

Oh yes - I just started reading Fallen on the LMWPP! I imagine it's here at ffn too - it appears I have quite a bit of reading ahead of me!

Seriously though, welcome back! I'm really enjoying this story - more please! :)
lizziee chapter 18 . 9/1/2004
goodness, this is ridiculously sappy. but nevertheless, i still love this fic. it took you ages to update. when i saw that you had updated, i nearly fainted.

i know that lily and james love each other, but i think 17 is a bit young to be getting married. but then again, they really are in love. and this is the wizarding world where schooling ends at 17, so really, they have nothing to lose. it's just that i always imagined that lily and james got married when they were about 20.

another thing i wonder about is about lily's vampirety (if that's a word, i'd die of shock.) lily is a vampire, so won't she live forever? i'm not sure since i'm a little confused. maybe you'll explain it in a future chapter.

finally, i must say i was very disappointed when i saw that you wouldn't be posting thank you's for this chapter. i reviewed chapter 17 and i must say that i was very excited over seeing my name on your fic! but i know that it would probably take you quite a long time to thank every single reviewer, so i digress.

i look forward to reading the next chapter, so please update soon!

much love, lizziee
kllrs chapter 18 . 8/23/2004 This is an amazing fic. I love it. It's so wonderfully well done! It's insanely well done! It's...perfect! Wow. I love it soo much. YOu have this gorgeous style. It's terrific. Keep it up!
marzoog chapter 18 . 8/22/2004
Dude! It's been a year! You better not take that long for the next chapter!

Aw, that made me happy! So cute!


PS. I am no long a Minnesotan in England. Sniff.
Hermione Granger63 chapter 18 . 8/21/2004
This was a really nice surprise! I'm so happy that you updated on this story, because it's such a good one, and you left us with quite a cliffhanger for a good year..hahaha.

Loved this chapter, and can't wait for the next one!

-Hermione Granger63
Zetta chapter 18 . 8/21/2004
*grin* Wonderful as always, of course. ;o)

Mushy and sappy and sweet... *sigh* Makes me happy.


I'll get around to e-mailing you back sometime soon... it's just been a long week, and the next one will be just as fun. :o(

(*gulp* And then I start at *real* school!)

But enough about me.

Wonderful wonderful chapter, and I hope you're back for a while yet. :o)
MaD-4-u chapter 17 . 7/13/2004
MaD-4-u chapter 7 . 7/13/2004
That was deep ...Whoa... REALLY deep !

MaD-4-u chapter 1 . 7/13/2004
That was the best CHAPTER IVE EVER READ !

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