Reviews for Illicit Love
Glayde chapter 17 . 5/11/2004
Cool! Have the next chapter up, would you? This is so sweet!
bLaCkIe654 chapter 17 . 5/8/2004
wow..your story is absolutely amazing! I LOVE IT and i can't wait till the next chapter is posted!
bLaCkIe654 chapter 8 . 4/25/2004
Wow-this fanfic is AWESOME! Absolutely amazing! I am like obsessed with Illicit Love. It's BRILLIANT! Sorry, i just-wow- this story is soo good! haha. Ok so for a while, i have been debating over writing a fanfic or not. One of the cons is that i have no idea how to start. I was wondering(because i LOVE your fanfics) if maybe you could possibly give me a few pointers on starting a fanfic?
Lil Bazza chapter 17 . 4/21/2004
Ok.. i love that chapter ( i have read it several times now) and i have noticed that there isn't another on after it... by any chance did go on holiday or something... cause if it did, could you tell it to get itself back here before i go crazy?
katie-xoxo chapter 17 . 4/12/2004
this is a freat story, pleas ekeep going!
sambrat chapter 17 . 3/17/2004
great fic so far! can't wait to read more!
Lady Shadow chapter 17 . 2/29/2004
This is so good! Because I discovered your sotry late all i have been doin was reading yoru stories and laughing out loud. When I was done with reading this chapter I went to click for the next one, trying to guess what James would be doing. To my Horror I found that there was no next chapter, yet. So I thought it was well done that you made the parents of James so snobbish (well at least the dad at most parts) along with the realationship between James and Jessica, that is classic. I really enjoyed that you framed Peter as a nice fellow along with "teddy-bear-cute" Many people feel because he had betray his friends that he should pay in the story were he doesn't even existed! Which i think is so bad! You are telling the story in a way that could be true. I have no doubt that one day that you will become a great writer. And hey, maybe JKR will let you publish your story for the world to read!
Lady Shadow
Kikibee yes I'm both chapter 1 . 2/5/2004
I live Lily and James romances!
Write on!
cookie87 chapter 17 . 12/1/2003
Hey Lavender! I actually found my way to this fanfiction from one of your other stories. I'm really enjoying it, but sad to see that you haven't updated in a while. I'll be waiting!
blahblah6 chapter 17 . 11/29/2003
oosha66 chapter 17 . 11/24/2003
i luff u so much lavender ure writing is very good! im 13 by the way, lol, i meant like a frend by saying i luff u, dont get the wrong idea, lol so are you going to write more? it was wonderful!
Lara Potter chapter 17 . 11/3/2003
Oh my gosh. I love it. AND YOU LEFT ME ON A MAJOR CLIFFHANGER! *lol* Please update it pronto, I love it to bits, and bits, and bits, and bits... I'll die if you don't update it! lol.

luvs, Lara
SetsuntaMew chapter 17 . 10/27/2003
Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. I love it! I don't usually read Harry Potter fanfics, but my friend told me to read this. I am so glad I did! You are very talented and I hope you get the next chapter out ASAP!
Maeve chapter 17 . 10/27/2003
I read all of the chapters and I just finished (it took me a couple of hours). I just told my friend about your story and now she is reading it and she won't let me instant message her because she doesn't want me to interrupt. That's a good thing though! If your story had pages I would say it's a page turner. Hurry up and write chapter 18 when you get a chance! I'm dying to know how James proposes to Lily!
nymphadora51 chapter 17 . 10/27/2003
Ok, I don't want to be annoying, but I wouldn't be so if I didn't absolutly adore your fic, but you gotta update! This is a fantastic story, definately my favorite Lily and James fic, and I can't wait to read about the proposal, so please UPDATE!
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