Reviews for Unexpected Variables
Child of Dreams chapter 20 . 11/29/2024
Does Ilvermorny not exist in this story?
Salem Witches Institute?
Ari Ortega chapter 23 . 7/9/2024
Are you continuing this story I like it but want to know of it's abandoned
mayawene chapter 23 . 2/6/2023
Thank you
Did you abandon this fic ?
Lily Jem chapter 23 . 4/15/2022
I have no real hope but if you ever want to finish that story, I'll be very happy to read it :D I loved it so far and I would love to know what happens next!
nootbi chapter 23 . 3/27/2022
dannnng this story was great so far
Esmereilda chapter 16 . 11/23/2021
yea good luck with that
thesixthcircle chapter 23 . 11/11/2021
Sad it hasnt been updated in 5 years, but amazing story :)
Guest chapter 23 . 10/21/2021
I really live how you story is and I really hope u come back to it
Quaziemoto chapter 23 . 10/1/2021
Sept 2021

Dam! Story Ended! and nothing has been added last year.
To bad I really enjoy this cross over, it's as goo as the
the Adams Family Crossover story.
Quaziemoto chapter 16 . 10/1/2021
I'm not one with Crossover Stories, but this one I enjoy.
I usually check this one out ever year or two!

Great Story Though!
Kittens Kat chapter 23 . 9/29/2021
Kittens Kat chapter 18 . 9/29/2021
Guest chapter 22 . 7/16/2021
love dean's reaction to fuffy! so funny, wait until he finds out what the cerberus's name is! that's going to be funny!
Guest chapter 23 . 7/6/2021
awwwww! that it? please do another chapter! can't wait to see dean, sam and Castiel's reaction about the troll and shuch, and where it all goes in the end in season 15.
Guest chapter 19 . 7/6/2021
you just add crowley, was wondering if he was going to make an apperance!
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