Reviews for The Ash Connection
kimikouu chapter 1 . 9/15/2024
its been over 10 years since i first read this fic back in highschool. im so excited to reread this TAC II because i have a feeling ill understand all the smaller details better. i cant count how many times ive reread this, and it got me through a big chunk of highschool. kudos to you for writing such a big fic with all these characters, their personalities and fitting it with the anime !
An old fan chapter 33 . 10/21/2023
Was just rereading some old pokeshipping fics I loved and ended up on this one…and noticed that today marks 10 years since the last chapter was posted. Wow. Happy birthday to the end of The Ash Connection. The scene at the very end with the group in a circle, and ash leaving a space for silver, is still one of my favorite things to read. I can see it so perfectly in my mind’s eye; it’s touching and just wonderful. I never got around to reading the sequel but maybe I will this year, even though this scene is a perfect ending on its own. Much love, an old fan
Reader08 chapter 32 . 9/11/2023
I've read this story several times now (the first time all the way back in 2012 when you first posted it!), and I don't think I've ever encountered another fic that make me feel so many strong emotions. This story feels magical, and you capture the same essence of the original anime so well! This chapter particular makes me feel such complicate emotions about Leaf. I love her! But I also hate her at the same time, primarily in her commitment to the G-Men and treatment of Silver. And poor Silver! My heart goes out to him. I can't help but just want to see a happy story for him, for him and Ash to have a reconcile and for Silver and Lyra to live happily ever after. Overall, I would be ecstatic if you ever decided to write Part III of the Ash Connection and would read it without a second thought! Thank you for sharing your amazing stories with us!
the grey mage chapter 33 . 7/26/2023
great story, meandered a bit during their journey. loved that the rocket trio got a moment to shine.
the grey mage chapter 24 . 7/26/2023
got kinda dark all of a sudden with pokemon killing people.
the grey mage chapter 7 . 7/25/2023
far in the future, i'm gonna re read this story and this moment will still make me gasp.
the grey mage chapter 6 . 7/25/2023
fantastic end to a chapter.
the grey mage chapter 5 . 7/25/2023
bro, is this a massive fic about giving ash's mom a giant family xmas? because i fucking love it.
trailqouta chapter 1 . 7/24/2023
2nd time listening still in love with this fjc
luv chapter 33 . 6/10/2023
I remember first reading this story back when I was about to start highschool and now im about to start my last year in college. This story is still one of my favorites and raised the bar high. its still an excellent read and the story, all the subplots, and the way they connect to the actual anime or the games is the best part. While its a bit weird that the characters are ~15 and saving the world, this is a pokemon story and its amazing to see how all the characters interact with each other and how they carried the entire plot out. Still a 10/10, even a few years later. Thank you author for this excellent story! It holds a very special place in my library.
CELMYAEPYEN.06 chapter 33 . 5/10/2023
It was a long story, but I feel like it was very good, the storytelling and the interaction between the characters were ten out of ten, honestly.
The story of Mewtwo, Giovanni, the legendary, all the champions, among other things, was spectacular, everything was great.
But I have to say this, I feel like Ash and Misty's relationship developed, but it didn't have any real focus and that made me sad, because I was expecting more from my two babies... but it made up for me to read Gary and Leaf, Dawn and Paul and May and Drew, they were all adorable.
Another thing I wanted to add is that the relationship between Leaf and Lance, as father and daughter, I loved, it seemed so beautiful, it always moved me.
Thank you very much for writing this story, a hug!
Force Smuggler chapter 11 . 5/8/2023
Misty reacting to Gare-bear. Love it
Force Smuggler chapter 33 . 5/8/2023
Such an incredible story.
Love seeing Ash save the world with all of his traveling companions and rivals.
Siena chapter 33 . 5/1/2023
This has been my third read of this fanfic, and I’m disappointed in myself that I didn’t leave a comment earlier because this story throughly deserves it and more. I genuinely don’t think I can put into words how highly I regard your writing and the conception and execution of this fic as a whole because it’s so fantastic it almost doesn’t seem real. There is so so much to enjoy here; you get the characters so solidly, and the humor is just as good as the drama, which is incredibly ripe and well communicated. Ash is for certain my favorite character from the anime and your love for him and the others comes through so clearly in every word. I can feel the blood, sweat, and tears you put into this truly amazing story; the scene as Ash begins to wake up genuinely brings tears to my eyes, as does the ending. I have no idea if you’ll see this, but I hope you realize what a huge impact your work has had on me and that it solidified why I love Pokemon, especially as Ash’s story has come to a close recently. Ash is our own connecting point as fans, and this is a perfect tribute to him. Thank you so much for such an amazing work.
Guest chapter 33 . 4/7/2023
To have such a big cast of characters and write a such compelling story about friendship is truly a great feat! Loved it! Well done!
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